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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Yesterday, both tacos were gone. Only one was taken today. I think it may have worked. I also informed HR that someone has been taking my food...
  2. Happy Womb Eviction Day!
  3. Someone stole my lunch at work. Brisket tacos that I made by hand with melted cheese, pico de gallo, and all the fixings. If someone wants to play that way, fine. I can handle hot stuff pretty well, and I have hot sauces that burn, but go really well with brisket. I wonder if the motherfucker who stole my food can do the same?
  4. I might be leaving my shitty apartment and moving into a house that's rent-to-own. Just need to finalize some details and get the place inspected.
  5. All of the cats mentioned in this thread pale in comparison to the phenomenon that is Garfield. I will give Heathcliff credit for being there first, and for having a solid cartoon, but Garfield is the ideal fictional cat. This cannot be denied.
  6. When you make these kinds of threads, I can never tell if you're extremely high, as your username suggests, or just hammered.
  7. Strongly disagree with #2. If I didn't joke around at work between breaks, I'd lose my fucking mind.
  8. So is Godzilla gonna' be Kagome's dad again? This is an important question.
  9. It definitely was. I ended up getting the N64 from my uncle, who never played with his console, and the game was included with it including Diddy Kong Racing. Having played Genesis and NES games only until that point, my mind was fucking blown away by how smooth and detailed it was at the time.
  10. Brisket tacos with melted cheese.
  11. I don't see any situation in which this would have worked.
  12. I remember that, except I remember the audio being this: {{OBLIGATORY WARNING: VIDEO HAS FLASHING LIGHTS.}}
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