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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. 'Army of Europe' needed to challenge Russia says Zelensky Yep, I was wondering when they were gonna get to this. It's about time someone said this. New arms race here we come. Totally necessary it's sad to say now that the U.S. has switched teams and basically become part of the Legion of Doom now.
  2. I think you mean Tom Homan the border czar that was with him on Faux News. But yeah, he actually said he'd be "up his butt" if he didn't come through for them on helping ICE. It's just insane how they have absolutely no shame or any concern whatsoever that they're completely contradicting and basically incriminating themselves saying something like that when they previously tried to claim this wasn't about the immigration issue but that it's because it was somehow a politically motivated prosecution. LOL They're no longer just saying tbe quiet part out loud, they're on the PA system screaming it at the top of their lungs for goodness sake.
  3. Well that and to continue ramping up and trying to extend the reach of their state media brainwashing machine. That video from that farmer was really impressive. Points out kind of the root of where and how a lot of this all started. That and Citizens United really laid the groundwork for a lot of what we're seeing today. Unfortunately now those roots have grown so deep and twisted themselves through just about every corner of the country, infecting people's minds so deeply, there's no easy way to get rid of the whole tangled mess. At this point just have to hope there comes a point where they've done so many individuals enough harm that enough people snap out of it in time to turn things around somehow. Yeah, they'll try and blame democrats, blame the administrative state (despite the face that they're now in charge of it), hell they'll probably try and blame the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus for being lazy asses and not delivering enough money and presents to people when their policies drive up inflation and send us spiraling into another recession. Hopefully it won't work though and people will be at least smart enough to do what they always do: blame the ones in charge. Let's even say that happens though. Tell me now who really, having seen what we've seen them do in just the past three weeks, believes with any kind of real confidence that they won't try and succeed somehow in finding a way to rig the next election so whatever the public thinks ends up being just totally meaningless from here on out? Cuz it's certainly not me. And therein lies the crux I'm afraid.
  4. I get what you're saying and agree with thinking given the administration's aim to get rid of as many good, law-abiding people as quickly as they can that it'd be better to make that as hard as possible for them. In this case though I think the reason these prosecutors chose to resign rather than wait to be fired, was to make a statement and bring as much attention to this happening as they could. Also, there's the wanting to stand in solidarity with Sassoon part, too, which they're only going to be seen as doing that and sending that message of backing up her decision if they resign along with her. Trump and his stooges have shown pretty clearly they have no concern about going outside the law to fire people without cause, so these prosecutors were probably going to be axed pretty immediately by them anyway.
  5. I remember seeing Billie Eilish on Colbert saying how she thought whales were the scariest animal to her, and I remember thinking like "is she nuts? Whales aren't that scary." Now I'm not so sure, LOL. It's actually physically impossible though for a humpback to totally swallow a human cuz their throats are about the size of a human fist. Only just learned about that upon reading about this story though, and I can't imagine there's many people out there who know that, so easy to see why this guy would think he was about to be the whale's lunch there.
  6. Yep, we're up to a total of six of them resigning now. It's the Saturday Night massacre on a Thursday afternoon. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/top-federal-prosecutor-ny-resigns-told-drop-adams-charges-rcna192030 The day before, Sassoon appealed to Attorney General Pam Bondi and expressed her alarm at being ordered to drop the case, according to a letter obtained by NBC News. Sassoon wrote to Bondi that she had attended a meeting on Jan. 31, 2025, with Bove, Adams’ attorney, Alex Spiro, and members of her office. "Adams’s attorneys repeatedly urged what amounted to a quid pro quo, indicating that Adams would be in a position to assist with Department’s enforcement priorities only if the indictment were dismissed," Sassoon wrote. "Mr. Bove admonished a member of my team who took notes during that meeting and directed the collection of those notes at the meeting’s conclusion." Sassoon also said in the letter that her office was preparing to file additional charges against the mayor “based on evidence that Adams destroyed and instructed others to destroy evidence and provide false information to the FBI.” The best part to me is when Trump was asked about what he knew about the situation earlier in the day, he said he didn't know anything about it but then claimed in like the very next sentence that Sassoon didn't resign but was fired. LMAO
  7. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/top-federal-prosecutor-ny-resigns-told-drop-adams-charges-rcna192030 Sassoon, who took over the office last month, was a well-respected prosecutor with unimpeachable conservative credentials. Best known for successfully prosecuting crypto whiz kid-turned-fraudster Sam Bankman Fried, she was a member of the Federalist Society and had clerked for the late Justice Antonin Scalia, who was long the Supreme Court’s most influential conservative. Clearly they seemed to have misjudged this woman's character, cuz they seem to have thought she was just going to go along with this pretty transparent political blackmail plot of theirs. Probably won't stop it from happening sadly, since they'll just get someone else in there eventually who will execute the scheme. Still, at least for a moment highlights just how corrupt what they're trying to do here is if someone with such a deeply conservative background refused to be a part of it.
  8. Gabbard got confirmed as Director of National... well it used to be Intelligence, but I don't know what you would call it now. Incompetence, or maybe idiocy I guess. McConnell was the only republican to vote no along with all the democrats. What kind of shambolic nightmare are we living in? Seriously. Somebody wake me up already.
  9. i think we all already know the answer. I think ethics is such a foreign word to Trump and Musk that this agency's existence didn't even register with them until Schiff brought it to their attention.
  10. Yep, the message is crystal clear at this point. It's perfectly okay to be a criminal as long as you bend the knee and promise to serve the criminal-in-chief. Going right along with this is his pardoning of Blago today. I wouldn't be surprised if he pardoned Harvey Weinstein at this point.
  11. https://www.npr.org/2025/02/10/nx-s1-5292123/the-trump-administration-has-stopped-work-at-the-cfpb-heres-what-the-agency-does It implements U.S. consumer finance laws and issues new rules for lenders and other financial institutions, such as one announced last year to wipe medical debt from credit reports. The CFPB also goes after companies it suspects of dishonest or illegal activity. "At its core, it's a law enforcement agency," Rohit Chopra, the former director of the CFPB appointed by President Biden, told NPR on Monday. "It takes big financial institutions to court who cheat consumers, whether it's a credit reporting agency or a large bank or a credit card giant." But who needs any of that I guess, so yeah, now they're shutting down the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. You know the one created after the 2008 bank system collapse in order to stop something like that from ever happening again. So yay for unchecked, rampant greed and making Americans broke again.
  12. I kind of felt like with the last part of season 2 of Doom Patrol it was getting a bit more serious and not so wackadoodle actually... and then I got to season 3. Yeah, and so much for that thought. Just full-blown, non-stop crazy town now, and there's still one last season. It couldn't possibly get any more out there though. Could it?
  13. Buy it from f'ing whom? It is the Palestinian people's land, and they do not want to give it up, especially not to the U.S. or Israel who bombed the hell out of the place in the first place, which is the whole reason it needs to be rebuilt now. Blowing the place up and then using that as an excuse to steal the people's territory... Are we just supposed to be full on gangster's now? I mean, I know this shit is just a distraction, but it still pisses me off with how nonchalantly he's trying to pass off what's essentially being a part of a genocide as nothing more than a real estate deal.
  14. I like dog-ee, as in doggie doo doo. Cuz that's what it is to me.
  15. Stupid Bulma, building a translator for a frog. Show's how lonely she is. LOL
  16. Yeah, kind of ridiculous actually. That and his ability to control seemingly hundreds of people at once from a tremendous distance. Only explanation I can think of for that one is if when his strings attach to someone they also attach him to their senses somehow. Even then, splitting his focus so many ways should be basically impossible, but so many other things in the show are too, so what's one more I guess.
  17. Geez, 6 months?! He was at it for that long, and they all reacted the same damn way. What assholes, all of them. Guess they don't have the hippocratic oath in that world.
  18. Tears of a Clown? I love that song. What exactly makes this guy a clown anyway? Just that he's got some face makeup on?
  19. "So no party?" LOL Is it really the finale next week? This season went by too fast.
  20. Kay. Best just hope none of the kids in your neighborhood get the sudden urge to have a snowball fight.
  21. I hate to say it, but I kind of actually agree with him for once on this one. I've tried drinking through a paper straw before and it's just yuck. When I'm having my iced matcha, I want it to taste like matcha, not an old newspaper. He needs to stop with the executive orders already, seriously. It's beyond ridiculous at this point.
  22. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2025/02/05/eggs-stolden-pennsylvania/78244304007/?utm_source=firefox-newtab-en-us Okay, fess up. Which one of you did it. Whoever it is, all I got to say is they must really like their eggs poached.
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