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Everything posted by pail

  1. Classic tuna? Classic tuna.
  2. Y'all stay the hell away. I don't wanna have to dust off my ground-standing boots.
  3. Oooh. Scathing.
  4. Isn't she a little young to be radicalizing?
  5. I bet you turned it off and watched Bebe's Kids three times in a row.
  6. It's Indiana Jones dude. Crawl out from the rock.
  7. Unisom. Sleep like a rock. Fear the dawn.
  8. Take 1 tablet 30 minutes before bed. FUCK THAT PUSSY SHIT! *pops 2* UYYYYYYFGGGHHHHHERRAAAHHHHH! GET SOME!!!! HYU.... Zzzzz... Zzzzz... Zzzzz... Zzzzz.
  9. 50 years? I ain't gonna live that long dammit! One night back in highschool, was hanging with a buddy. Doing typical teenage shit, smoking pot, looking up weird shit on the internet. He had his iTunes playlist on shuffle and eventually 'Animal Behaviour' by Praxis came on. The outro is basically what got me into Buckethead. It just floored me.
  10. Obligatory Chinese cartoon songs: Next, great song in it's own right but I love how the scenes were constructed around these songs. I prefer the English dub, because that's what I grew up with, but it's still a great song and a fun sequence.
  11. While I've always loved this song I've come to appreciate the lyrics and the video a lot more over the years. One of the best middle fingers to the music industry ever, imo. Also the part where the solo kicks in and Corgan is straight up mocking "solo shots" is one of the funniest damn things ever.
  12. Those few years in the mid to late naughts where screamo and Hot Topic culture was at it's peak. What a great time to grow up. This next song isn't that old, but I remember running into it before it really blew up. I like this original video they did before this song blew up and they recorded a music video proper. It was just such a hauntingly beautiful juxtaposition that related, to me personally anyway, a very sad and at the same time optimistic message. I also discovered this in a place in my life where... Well. I'm glad those days are gone.
  13. Maybe they push it harder on the app. Because it would regularly pop up.
  14. Damn site wouldn't stop pestering me about the free trial, so I got it and stuck with it. It's really dumb on my part. Because I don't want 'Red' for any of the extra features, shows and shit. Nah. I shell out $15 a month for one reason. No. Advertising. Like I said it really stupid on my part, but after using 'Red' for a few months I just can't see going back to YouTube ads. It's just so much better when you can hop around the site freely without any interruptions.
  15. That sounds awful.
  16. Bragging? You really don't understand how to drugs, huh.
  17. Lol. I love this engrained mentality of "muh freedom" you all get into a tizzy about whenever someone says alcohol is dangerous and causes disease and death. Just because the government temporarily banned it one time you all get huffy when any slight against your precious alcohol gets brought up and you all turn into psuedo SJW "legalize it" types. Good God. There is nothing more pathetic than someone stroking their 'baba' of Maker's Mark and whispering "Shh. Shh. No one's ever taking you away from me again. It's gonna be alright."
  18. I didn't realize you were a medical professional now. How about you pull up the stats on alcohol VS caffeine related deaths per year, then right below those numbers explain, in great length, how my morning eye opener and shit mobilizer is gonna make me have a "bad time." I also want to hear about the spike in CA chapters across the country and all the harrowing tales of people drinking themselves into early graves with caffeine binges.
  19. Lol. "Beer is fine. Sugar is poison. Didn't you know? Beer is sugar-free!"
  20. What kinda dingy ass motel you was staying at can't afford sheets for they damn beds. Gross.
  21. If it does generate the "big ass window", you can choose to post as link only.
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