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Everything posted by pail

  1. What's your favorite kind?
  2. Stuff doesn't keep in the fridge too well, but an extra cheese and sausage right out the oven is pretty damn tasty. Especially with the crazy sauce. Idk why they call it crazy sauce, but it's damn good.
  3. That's what happens when there's a perception of a threat but no actual threat. The students organizing the harrassment and bullying of others need to be either arrested or expelled. The ACLU can jump on this one if they want but they ain't gonna have much to work with to spin these people into a sympathetic and justified light.
  4. There's a whole thread about it in Rants: http://unevenedge.imfapp.in/rants/evergreen-state-college-goes-full-retard/ Dude was on Joe Rogan podcast, too.
  5. Tums? Pepto? Zamtac? Nexium?
  6. I prefer the bupe. Plus I don't wanna sniff a line of elephant tranquilizer again and wake up to a bunch of paramedics telling me I need to get my shit together.
  7. We gon' do it fa Johnny!
  8. Yeah. Dr. Phil. Dr. Phil Goodman.
  9. Quit tryna date rape me.
  10. That's more than &100... Also tell em idc if they got heaters just don't make them visible. Makes me nervous.
  11. Because I was feeling nauseous and sweaty.
  12. Yeah. And tell em none of that "Be there in 15" show up 3 hours later crap.
  13. People who know know.
  14. K get me some molly, oxy, some ladders, a dime, white and some some for good measure.
  15. You know where the good good at homeboi?
  16. No, just can't stand his "I smoke pot and it cures cancer. People who do other drugs are LAME!" Plus he drinks too so fuck him.
  17. She, don't tell Viper. He'll dab some Roto and go on a rant about how drugs are for losers.
  18. Nah my one alarm is pretty loud can hear it across the damn house.
  19. Alpraz and bupe is one hell of a trip. Just woke up naked on the bathroom floor. Well, better pop a couple Unisom and set my alarm for 7.
  20. pail


    Maybe if you weren't stoned 24/7 you'd be able to muster up some motivation. Can't risk sobriety, though. Gotta keep dat Big C at bay.
  21. It's basically on the side on the ankle. Forget what it's called, but it's curved and bandages don't stick well.
  22. So a little backstory: A few days ago, I had a persistent itch in the inside of my right foot. I scratched and rubbed it until it was raw. It didn't look too bad but by the next day it was red and kind of flaky. Not much happened for the next couple days; it would scab over, scab would get removed from walking around in sweaty ass socks and shoes, at the end of the day I'd dab it with hydrogen peroxide wipe it clean then smear a little Neosporin on it. Well, got home from work today and noticed that it wasn't scabby or raw, but a little sticky and oozy (there's even some ooze on my sock. So I cleaned it up as best I could with hydrogen peroxide, wiped it clean. Worrying that it might be becoming infected, I grabbed the bottle of isopropyl alcohol. I was not look forward to doing this at all, but I felt that it needed to be done... I poured the cap of the alcohol near the brim, folded up a sheet of toilet paper and soaked up the liquid. After a few deep breaths I took the sponged bit of paper and pressed it against my wound moving it from one end to the next. Holy God damn mother of ass fuck shit balls. The entire process took maybe 2 seconds tops but dear Lord... I grabbed a dry paper towel and began gently dabbing and wiping the alcohol away from the wound. Regardless, the area continue to burn for a good several minutes afterwards. Once it was finally draw, I dabbed a bit a Neosporin on it and rubbed it over the area. Now all I can hope is that the wound will start to show signs of proper healing, scab up and I won't have to wind up at the doctor's office for a god man scrape.
  23. Shaky things in my peripheral really wig me out.
  24. It was going all Jacob's Ladder on my and the rapid movement was bugging my eyes.
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