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Everything posted by pail

  1. It's a .gif from the music video for 'Daddy' by PSY.
  2. I had a one night stand with a beautiful lady. Her name was Teva.
  3. More like you play too hard to get and guys find a wetbox that's more accessible.
  4. pail


    And bacon.
  5. pail


    Aw you know I love ya. Make some poached eggs on butter toast with hot sauce.
  6. Or a steak burrito. With guac and sour cream on the side so you can dip or spoon. And hot sauce.
  7. pail


    Spear chucker is off limits though, right?
  8. I don't get it. Then again I haven't read the rest of this thread. I'm doubtful that it's contents would add any more context, however.
  9. pail


    Is nyucka okay? I'm pretty sure I've use nyucka before.
  10. pail


    Are you a Tylenol or an aspirin kind of person? I prefer aspirin. Not as heavy on the liver. Unfortunately heavier on the intestines. Weighing options, le sigh. If it's a sinus headache like the bridge of your nose and around your eyes I'd recommend an antihistamine.
  11. pail


    You're beyond reason. The only thing that would make you realize that what you believe is completely unverified is if you ended up with cancer and had a team of oncologists explain to you that there is no medicinal benefit to be gained from cannabis in conjunction with chemotherapy other than the slight reduction in pain a slight stimulation of appetite. Don't take that the wrong way. I hope you live a long happy life free of disease. I'm just stating that the scenario I laid out is the only thing that is going to break you of your convictions.
  12. pail


    Cannabis is no more effective at killing cancer cells than chicken noodle soup or warm milk. Combining cannabis use with chemotherapy will only have the effect of possibly easing the pain of the afflicted individual and help to increase their appetite.
  13. pail


    How many times do I have to remind you that you are not a doctor. And I am having a normal conversation with you. Because the subject of the conversation is your proliferation of dangerous and unproven medical advice with no credentials to back up what you're claiming. That's actually a crime. It's called fraud. And you can be prosecuted for it.
  14. pail


    On topic, Buddyroe360[/member] your new profile picture gives me less of a headache. Thank you.
  15. pail


    The level of stupidity you poses is dangerous. It could cause legitimate harm to others. The chances of this are unlikely; but if I ever catch you encouraging someone to treat a cancer patient with unproven, unverified and ineffective treatments I will report you to authorities.
  16. pail


    And furthermore I think you're a deplorable person because you directed someone who had a child with cancer to forego the most effective and proven methods of combating cancer in favor of holistic bullshit. First of all, it wasn't your kid. You don't get to decide how parents treat their children. Second, you're not a doctor. You're not even an accredited herbalist. You literally have no pedigree in traditional or holistic medicinal practices. The advice you give is dangerous and potentially life threatening and you should feel ashamed for telling people that they can cure their child's cancer with vitamins and cannabis.
  17. pail


    Why the fuck would I ever waste anything more than a few sentences on you. You're an ignoramus that believes hemp oil cures cancer. I harbor no desire to engage in conversation with an idiot.
  18. pail


    How about no.
  19. pail


    Hasn't he told you off about dropping n-bombs before? You clearly have no respect for him.
  20. pail


  21. pail


    Can you knock it off with the shaky profile pic> it's giving me a headache.
  22. Yeah, that must have been it. I missed out on/didn't pay attention to the 2nd flavor contest. Only one I remember was the first. Sucks that White Out won. Typhoon was in 2nd place and the lime flavored one I can't remember the name of was in dead last. Too bad, that was my favorite one.
  23. That's your list from most to least favorite? I think original Dew should be at the bottom. But that's just me.
  24. Not bad. I like the raspberry flavoring and the fact that it doesn't taste like standard piss flavored Dew. Plus it's blue. I'm not sure but wasn't Voltage one of those flavor contest winners? The only contest I remember was the one with Typhoon (too sweet), White Out (which ended up winning I think despite the blandness) and the third one I can't remember the name of but it was lime flavored. But I thought they had another contest not too long ago and Voltage won out. Don't remember the other flavors of that one even if there were any.
  25. That wasn't input just stating facts.
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