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Everything posted by pail

  1. I imagine it's really euphoric. My previous boss who was on the juice used to pop footballs and he'd just sit at his desk with albums on autoplay and nod all day. We would slack off so hard.
  2. No like it literally does nothing. I'm no pharmaceutical expert or anything but from what I've read the bupe is so strong that it blocks the naloxone from binding to anything. Besides that I've heard that it's put in there to deter intravenous abuse. I've also heard it was formulated that way so it would be easier to get approved by the FDA and also make generic competition trickier. I honestly don't know why the naloxone is in Suboxone. But, there isn't any in Subutex. Either way bupe has a cieling effect so unless you have a minimal tolerance or mix it with bennies it's not going to get you high, just not sick. I've heard that methadone and bennies is even better but I've never touched methadone. The retarded long half-life scares the bejesus out of me.
  3. These ones don't have naloxone in them. The naloxone does jack crap anyway.
  4. 1pooh4u[/member] might know.
  5. Apparently when your boss forgets to order supplies you need to work you only get to clock in a half hour instead of just a full hour for all the bother. Oh well, I've got some orange moons for the sickness and the $10 scratch off I bought paid out in double so all in all... Meh.
  6. I like porn. It helps me beat my meat.
  7. No. Too much Tylenol filler to be worth it.
  8. Nnnnnggghhhhhh. That's the spot.
  9. So, unfortunately, the f-bombs and nudity we're censored out. But damn that is a fine movie. Maybe it's just me but I really like that movie a lot for some reason. One of those films I can watch over and over. The ripoff from the blood test scene from 'The Thing's is one of my favorite scenes in the movie. Because they're snorting meth to make sure they're not aliens. Freaking classic.
  10. Hopefully it's only a half day at work today. Then I can have more time to play the game on my phone while I wait until Friday so I can spend all my money on hookers and drugs and be broke again by Saturday then do the same thing next week. Just one day closer. Sigh.
  11. It usually goes over better than my how high is this grass in Germany joke at open mics.
  12. His name is Robert Paulson
  13. I tried for a while but couldn't find her so I just poked her a few times.
  14. It's not really boiling, more like simmering. Very thin layer of water, heats up and cooks them. Sometimes have to add a little more water if too much evaporates. But once you get them cook let the water boil away and let 'em char up.
  15. It's not that hard. I usually just boil the sausages in a pan with water. Using oils can get really messy and potentially painful. Doesn't take long to get 'em nice and crisp. Meanwhile, just saute some onions and peppers in a small pan or pot with whatever seasoning you like. Personally I like salt, pepper, cayenne and a little bit of ginger. Then just put it on a bun. I usually stack the sides with the veggies and just run a line of spicy mustard down the middle but you do you.
  16. And topped off with some Gulden's spicy mustard infused with Sriracha flavor. Oh. So good.
  17. No. I believe in the American justice system.
  18. I haven't actually opened the summons yet so no idea what it's all about yet. I literally never thought I'd get summoned for some reason.
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