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Everything posted by Poofy

  1. always thinking about it
  2. blankets on the ground are rugs
  3. I giving it a watch
  4. i have learned so much about proper squat form by watching twitch
  5. You committed your first t4t
  6. sure now he wants to now that he's seen the mob turn against elon. Before he was acting like a fool and fucking justin bieber in the ass with his bent dick. Well, he's not fooling me one bit. No sir you are not Bill Gates and I don't trust you
  7. oh i meant Master of Orion 3. That one had more fuckered up species. The other games the species kinda lame
  8. you should do all the species from master of orion. now *that* would be something
  9. no
  10. i told you, you won't get anywhere unless theyre hotter. This is no time to be idealistic
  11. I got all these supplements which I take when I have my dry food. Remember how I said I looked so bad when I got scurvy (getting scurvy is hot girl shit, right?)? Well, now, I no longer have bleeding gums, dull dry brittle fur, nor unhealthy skin. Now, my coat is lustrous, shiny, and my shedding has reduced. My pads and nails are splintering much less. My temperament has improved as well. However, the antidepressant I was recently prescribed, rather than proper nutrition, likely accounts for that.
  12. that's the problem with the south isn't it? so can we count on your support? when the time comes?
  13. better knock em all down
  14. @Detroit_Red also lets go fuck up the south
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