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Everything posted by Poofy

  1. im not reading that you said trump would lead a successful coup he didn't it was the dumpiest coup ever and it didnt work
  2. I keep all my movie ticket stubs. Does that count? the oldest one is the matrix reloaded which means i've been doing it 20 years
  3. who knew the boogaloo boys were going to civil war themselves...
  4. ya know, some say Jerome Powell (trump appointee) engineered the most overt act of socialism by making the fed the buyer of last resort (occured during trump's presidency). Are we a planned economy now? Maybe, many, many people are saying so. Idk, OK?
  5. maybe bc of this? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/twitter-expand-permitted-political-advertising-234355959.html
  6. all amphibians are welcome!
  7. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/american-airlines-ground-crew-worker-dies-ingested-into-engine-plane-alabama-airport RIP Even tho it wasn't battle I think theyll still let you into valhalla for that one
  8. Karina Shiratori Hiro, the photographer, brought her with him from Japan one year for the trans erotica awards. She spoke no english, but she made it exceedingly obvious that she *really* liked me. When I'd walk into the room, she would jump up, clap her hands, and giggle. I'd be minding my own business tryna get fucked up at a party, then she would come sit on my lap and bounce. BUT I DIDNT HAVE THE FUCKIN ASIAN FETISH YET SO I COMPLETELY IGNORED HER. STUPID STUPID STUPID POOF. what a fucking waste
  9. i never knew i could come to you for such questions https://www.webmd.com/sex/what-is-eiffel-tower-sex-position
  10. that doesnt narrow it down actually like at all
  11. feel free I claim no copyright
  12. thanks for the warning
  13. i think that one is magic card art. It might be my favorite too I'm sorry but this was a one time thing. I'm not taking requests
  14. But I did it. So here is the first image that comes up when I image searched "goblin" on various search engines (safe search on) duckduckgo: Google: Bing and Yahoo were the same image: Qwant: Yandex, the Russian search engine: Ask Jeeves: Twitter: Tumblr:
  15. yea i always figured if any animal were to not mind being the only one it would be the cat
  16. fuck I need to get laid. I just got significantly turned on by your arm hair
  17. Yea.. me either
  18. And he did it his way
  19. Patience. She will evolve into a cat lady soon enough
  20. Too late, it’s final. His name is Frank Sinatra
  21. The shares are his wealth. He hasn’t stopped selling them as they fall. I’ve heard the excuses from his sycophants. It just sounds like a margin call with extra steps
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