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Everything posted by EyeOfPain

  1. 1. Mumei! 2. Main Character! 3. Princess! 4. Ripped Engineer!
  2. Apparently, most of the people laid-off were QA engineers, or project managers: https://www.reddit.com/r/Crunchyroll/comments/5oug4a/apparently_there_have_been_layoffs/.
  3. Sometimes I see the worst in people.
  4. Tatami Galaxy 3-9
  5. You're hoping for 8 year olds having gay sex with tentacles? That's pretty hardcore.
  6. Gabriel Dropout 2 Tatami Galaxy 1-2
  7. Gintama #whatever
  8. Fate/EXTELLA can be pretty gay if you choose to be a female Master.
  9. Apparently, Louis C.K. wrote and directed Pootie Tang.
  10. I stand by what I wrote.
  11. This looks shockingly good, considering it's a live-action anime.
  12. Watch the 1991 live action movie instead.
  13. Is it Hotaru?
  14. I always thought the aesthetic of Guilty Gear was cool, but never got good at the games. I guess I also didn't notice that Baiken went missing at some point, since the games have been largely absent on Xbox One.
  15. Maybe I'm missing something, but there doesn't seem to be too much to this game? When it said "board game," I guess I was expecting something like The Game of Life.
  16. There's a gay character in Fuuka who doesn't seem to be a cliche stereotype.
  17. I wanted to check this out. Too bad it's on Amazon's anime service.
  18. Chaos;Child 1 [dropped] Akiba's Trip 2 Schoolgirl Strikers 2 [dropped] Saga of Tanya the Evil 2 Minami Kamakura High School Girls Bicycle Club 2 Blue Exorcist: Kyoto 2 [dropped] Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju: Sukeroku Anew 2 Heybot 12
  19. EyeOfPain

    Nintendo Switch

    1 2 Switch was stated for "Spring 2017" so if it was a launch title, why wouldn't they announce it as Marc 3?
  20. EyeOfPain

    Nintendo Switch

    So it'll be $300 with a March 3 release date, and only one confirmed launch title: Breath of the Wild.
  21. I'm not sure what to expect with this, but I pre-ordered it for the novelty of a Fate game in North America. My copy should show up by tomorrow night. Doesn't feel like it's already that late.
  22. I pre-ordered this, too, but I haven't finished Zestiria yet. I also haven't tried the demo that just launched, but it sounds like they're using a different equipment system, which is good. I checked out the demo last night, and combat feels very different from a lot of other Tales games I've played. SC was giving me a lot of trouble in Zestiria, so I welcome a change there in Berseria. The hoverboard is also a neat feature.
  23. I'd heard, and it's such a ridiculous coincidence.
  24. Blue Exorcist isn't an exclusive to Anime Strike, so I'm not sure why it would be disqualified.
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