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Everything posted by EyeOfPain

  1. Pretty much everything is on CR these days, besides a couple exclusives to Netflix or Amazon.
  2. Subs to CR/FUNi (via VRV) and Amazon/Netflix, and got back into the habit of buying BDs and DVDs, books/manga less so. Haven't really bought any merch in a while, just haven't been that many figures I've seen where I think "I need to have that on my shelf."
  3. It comes in bits and pieces.
  4. I haven't really looked into it, but it sounds kinda like the PS Now service Sony offers, which from all I've heard is a pretty half-assed streaming thing. If it is downloads, I really don't have space on my hard drive, so that wouldn't work either. I've been playing more stuff on PS4 lately anyway.
  5. I'll probably be checking out the first episode of most everything, as per usual, but here's what I'm most looking forward to: - ATOM: THE BEGINNING (hope it's a bit like Pluto) - BERSERK 2 - Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria - Kekkai Sensen & BEYOND - Natsume Yuujinchou Roku (as soon as I finish Go) - SAKURA QUEST - Shingeki no Bahamut: VIRGIN SOUL - Uchoten Kazoku 2
  6. Sounds more like a blind purchase than an "accidental" purchase.
  7. Saga of Tanya the Evil 7 MaiDragon 7
  8. You're just making good progress to some good arcs.
  9. Oh-hohoho The "leader for a day" thing is an old trope to help promote idols.
  10. Absolute Duo 10-12 (rewatch)
  11. ACCA 7 Ai Mai Mi S3 7-8 Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 20-21 Gintama. 7 Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju 7 MaiDragon 6
  12. That's the case for SAC. For the new Arise universe, I believe she was placed into a cyberbody at or near birth, so she lived her entire life cyberized. The '95 film and manga never really go into specifics, as I recall, but it's been a while since I thumbed through it. Motoko has expressed misgivings, or understood the drawbacks of living in a cyberized body, but I can never recall her "holding a grudge" or "wanting revenge." I would be fine if they tweaked themes, or moved some things around. What I don't like is the idea of so drastically changing a character's motivations, simply because the writer seems to be a hack who's following the contemporary big budget Hollywood playbook.
  13. Some basic and premium cable series have been 8-10 lately, and how long are Sherlock seasons? 3 or 4?
  14. Probably at least twice that. I didn't bother with the beta, but I heard it's a bit better than The Division, closer to a realistic shooter than an RPG with shooting mechanics.
  15. Sentai has the rights to The Big O, and will be releasing the complete series on BD on June 30, 2017.
  16. Pretty sure someone found those and auctioned them off. Definitely interested in TBO, but curious which OPs they'll be allowed to use.
  17. So this'll be Megazone 23 Part IV? I never got a chance to get into Megazone, but it always looked kinda cool. Not sure why they're doing a 3rd Pretty Sammy installment. Guess magical girls are the new hotness, and harems are out.
  18. Modern consumers are more used to shorter seasons with unusual episode counts, and it's easier than trying to explain to people what an "OVA" is, or why these episodes are special. Besides, when you have Netflix money, you can do what you want.
  19. Yep, and I believe most of the side characters and villains were re-used from his porn. Drifters probably started because he thought, "What if Hijikata Toshizo and Shimazu Toyohisa could have a rivalry-slash-potential-weird-sexual-tension?"
  20. Guess I'm legitimately on Steam now: EyeOfPain Only game I've got, other than like HL2 or some single-player stuff is Arma 3, and that's just to play with friends.
  21. But is it kowai enough?
  22. More or less.
  23. Cowboy Bebop: The Movie last night
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