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Everything posted by EyeOfPain

  1. Yeah, but I still bought it.
  2. Why would I fight you about something that's true?
  3. Yeah, still not common. Digital animation might make it a bit easier to accomplish than in the past, though. What I've notices more of lately is when the final installment of the OP adds in sound effects. I feel like at least 2 shows did it this season.
  4. It seems she may be getting better, based on the latest episode. Wait, is that 3-gatsu spoiler something that's more from the manga? Sound! Euphonium 2 12 Jojo DiU 39 [end] Drifters 12 [end, until season 2] March comes in like a Lion 10 Brave Witches 10-11 Izetta 9 I'm kinda dreading watching Izetta now.
  5. I'm too lazy to consistently post pics here, but I do try to on Twitter. Oh, that reminds me I got some stuff yesterday: - Hatsukoi Limited DVD - Kamisama Dolls BD - Modern Magic Made Simple DVD - Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun BD - Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water BD - Someday's Dreamers DVD - Someday's Dreamers II Sora DVD
  6. Keijo!!!!!!!! 12 [end] Girlish Number 10-11 Sound! Euphonium 2 11
  7. Yesterday: - Library War 1-12 +special [end] - Yuri!!! on Ice 12 [end] - Scorching Ping Pong Girls 12 [end] - Magical Girl Raising Project 12 [end] - Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 12 - Heybot 8
  8. I've probably spent more at Right Stuf (and Sentai Filmworks' shop) this season than I have over the past couple years. Part of that's just me not buying much recently, and have been playing catch up on stuff.
  9. Finished these off last night, not sure how many episodes I watched since my last update though. - Magical Angel Creamy Mami ??-52 [end] - Dirty Pair 19-26 [end, until the OVAs]
  10. It was a co-pro with Crunchyroll, so take that as you will.
  11. I own it because I got it out of a blind bag. That bag turned out to be a disappointment.
  12. Dear Brother 35-39 Fantastic
  13. It's unrelated.
  14. Dear Brother 33-34 Did not see that coming. Maybe I should have, but I did not.
  15. It could still be later.
  16. Creamy Mami 22-28 Dear Brother 27 Heybot 6
  17. With so many shows streaming, the same issue I have with buying anime comes up in figures: it's so much harder for someone to stick out enough for me to look for it, unless it's really phenomenal. She could have so many great poses, too. I'd like a later series Yona, but a sheltered princess Yona would be good too.The almost total lack of Yona merch is not a good sign for a second season, sadly. And it sounds like they do something interesting with Zeno, the Yellow Dragon Warrior, too. Ah, not even the fourth volume of the Yona manga has come out, and it sounds like that one doesn't even introduce Shin-ah.
  18. Maybe Orihime used her god-like powers to make her OTPs come true.
  19. I got 2 figures from blind bags at Youmacon, but I haven't intentionally bought bought a new figure in a while. I did try to look for a Yona figure, but there are none that I could find. So kinda in the opposite boat than you.
  20. Jojo DiU 37 Drifters 10 Magical Girl Raising Project 11 Keijo!!!!!!!! 10 March comes in like a lion 9 Brave Witches 9
  21. The Perfect Insider 1-11 That was a well put-together mystery.
  22. Yona of the Dawn 19-24 (dub re-watch)
  23. Last night: -Yuri!!! on Ice 10 -Kaiju Girls 11 -Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 10 -Girlish Number 9 -Sound! Euphonium 2 10 -Heybot 3
  24. Heybot! 1-2 What. The. Fuck?
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