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Everything posted by EyeOfPain

  1. I've been watching The Twilight Zone marathon on SyFy between whatever anime I'm watching.
  2. Rage of Bahamut: Genesis 1-12 [end] I needed that after some of the other stuff I've been watching; still good.
  3. That reminds me, I saw this tweet the other day with some stuff you can do in the demo: https://twitter.com/MammonMachine/status/814556954622238722
  4. I believe I also heard something like that, but didn't bother trying to confirm it.
  5. I'm looking forward to Near: A Tomato even more. Also, I already started a thread for this.
  6. I thought this was announced way back when the UBW series aired.
  7. If this has Jeanne d'Arc Saber, will Gilles de Rais make an appearance?
  8. I thought I had this game on pre-order, but that's EXTELLA, not EXTRA. Or is it? It could be interesting to see Nero Saber animated, instead of Arturia Saber.
  9. I saw the threads for the other 3 Fate/ series this year, but not Grand Order, since it was buried. Crunchyroll already has the first movie/OVA/whatever episode online. I've heard no one walks in circles while expositioning, and am very disappointed.
  10. Anything on Netflix/Amazon just doesn't get as much exposure. Amazon has been especially awful this season, with licensed shows streaming in UK, but not the US.
  11. He is a master storyteller, after all.
  12. March is good, but not "like-able".
  13. I'd like that for Kuromukuro, but unlike it for Oreimo. Kamisama Dolls 1-13 + shorts Hm, I'd forgotten about the rapes.
  14. Harmony Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust Flip Flappers 13 [end] Night on the Galactic Railroad And with Galactic Railroad, that should be all the BD movies out of my backlog.
  15. I keep forgetting about Ixion Saga, and it eventually comes to mind for whatever reason. I don't remember anything about the story.
  16. Apparently, it's Re:Creators, not just 'Creators'. So the replies to this thread have the correct title, but not the opening post.
  17. Does she just get captured in every episode now? Expelled from Paradise Grave of the Fireflies Gunbuster: The Movie Gunbuster 2: Diebuster
  18. I'm curious about what the title has to do with the concept, but not really excited about this one, I guess.
  19. I was going to make a joke about the one girl from Danmachi getting her own show, but wow, that's exactly what that is.
  20. Do you think this will have any swords?
  21. If you can't forgive/like Asuka, the rest doesn't work; I understand that. Hummingbird/Kitsu.io only lists 13 episodes for Nobunaga, so I'm not sure if it's split cour or what. Didn't seem like it from the preview, but who knows.
  22. I think it picked up enough after that first arc, but that was a poor use of time. Also: Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 13 [end?] Girlish Number 12 [end] Brave Witches 12 [end] Empire of Corpses The Princess and the Pilot
  23. Looks almost like 2 different shows. Is that girl a gangbanger, with the teardrop tattoo below her eye? That means she's killed someone in the yard, right?
  24. You'll always be a weeb. You just do your best to suppress it, like herpes.
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