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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. youre the ones trying to make me seem like the trump fan when i am not voting for him. trump dont need to "watch what he says" about israel since he already supports them. like im not expecting him to do otherwise, which one of the reasons im not voting for him. but he's not out for my vote. harris on the other hand does support israel, but is trying to also look like she care about palestine, even though she has been a staunch supporter of israel for many years now. she's the one that is trying to win people like me over, who see genocide as a red line.
  2. thats not that old but these laptops are very hit and miss. mine lasted 10+ years before i had to buy another one. of course it was being held together by tape and good intentions.
  3. -bernie: the only reason bernie was ever popular was because of his social platforms. he turned his back on that and his movement. he had all the momentum. when hedges asked him about running for independent, he said he did not want to end up like nader. but thats the point, cant win without party backing, but the party wont let anything progressive pass. im talking about public option health care, free higher education and total student debt cancellation, building up the national infrastructure, housing, and so on. the incremental bullshit they keep playing is nothing and would not call that a win for progress. and they are the same when it comes to global politics. biden: of the top of my head, infrastructure rebuilding, better covid response, economy improvement, clean energy, complete student debt relief for all, less cop murders, and infrastructure rebuilding. -kamala: i was trying to say, there was no democratic convention or anything to let people decide on who they want. just hand picked by the party in a not so democratic way. but im sure she already knew before that date that she was gonna be the nominee. the decision was probably cemented after the trump/biden debate. even before that, people already knew joe was cooked. effort: a critique for kamala is not an endorsement of trump. im speaking from a campaign strategist pov. biden staying in the race would have been an easy campaign for trump. i dont think anyone would disagree with that. i still think it will be close but kamala will need to be better coached on what she says, and trump will need to recalibrate on how to approach kamala. kamala/trump speeches: why you bringing up trump again in a critique of kamala? my point was to show she dont care about palestinians, with her shutting up the protestors. i know trump is more overt about his racism, but kamala will go along with the current agenda too. israel: yes trump is loud about his backing of israel. biden and kamala can say they dont approve, but they will keep sending weapons and wagging their fingers. all while sending aircraft carriers to prevent anybody else from trying to step in to stop said genocide and while letting israel be reckless and attempt to expand the current war.
  4. the article didnt deny any "crimes". it was just specific crimes being thrown into question.
  5. whats wrong with grayzone?
  6. yes, it was bullshit.
  7. october 7 just an excuse. self defense? where have we heard that talk before? i know people dont got long memories, but 9/11. i gotta chose my words carefully about what happened on that day seeing as this is a taboo thing here. but i will say the mainstream pushes this view, to discredit any action by the palestinians and is exactly the excuse israel is using to commit their genocide. say what you'll say about oct. 7 but the facts are, this is the greenlight for israel to continue doing what they are doing. the usa can say they dont approve of whats happening, but they sure as shit are giving them weapons to continue doing it. everyone trying to make people seem crazy because of disagreements.
  8. rip. hold old was it?
  9. with how suspect our elections are, i wouldn't doubt the backwardness of our elections. but yeah that's what im trying to get at, the more people can question the legitimacy of the entire thing, the faster we can do away from this. it will be a challenge seeing how they so much time and effort trying to squash any kind of uprising or rebellion.
  10. @Raptorpat, i guess you only gonna allow msm views and ones that totally discredits the plight of those that are suffering.
  11. i guess bernie had some decent policy but has shown to be subservient to the party even after they shut him down. biden also talked some policy but most the stuff he talked about turned out to be a lie, or some extremely watered down victories. and now kamala who was hand picked by the party, doesnt even show any policy on her site https://kamalaharris.com/ . we already know her history, and she has shown to be a willing servant of the donors. of course trump wanted biden, would have been an easy victory. now he will have to put in the effort and run a smart campaign in order to win. he still has a chance, but can see this going either way. they also have to try and coach kamala to do better after her fiasco in detroit or she can jeopardize her campaign.
  12. happy birthday!
  13. demolition man.
  14. https://thegrayzone.com/2024/03/07/media-concocts-un-hamas-rape-report/
  15. it means you taking up the mainstream media narrative. one that is always showing extreme pro israel bias. those were lies, hamas did not commit those crimes. another narrative meant to give more sympathy towards the people committing the genocide. there's evidence to discredit those claims.
  16. even asking like they do in msm. hamas, however they were formed, whatever you think of them, is the army of the palestinian people. thats the only ones aside from ansar allah fighting for palestinian liberation.
  17. even the framing of that question makes it seem as the attack was unwarranted. its not like palestine woke up one morning and decided to attack israel just for fun. they been an occupied people since 1947 and have been suffering not only from their lands being stolen, but also being 2nd class citizens and getting killed. only now its been amped up to the extreme.
  18. im not giving up at all. election is just a part of the fight. an important part for the duopoly to maintain some semblance of legitimacy of a democracy. but with it being rigged, voting 3rd party is more as a voice to reject their offers. there is other work needed to combat the system other than just voting. i harp on both parties but am more vocal towards the dems since they are the "progressive" party, the party that is supposed to represent me. people can say they dont want trump which is fine, i dont want him either. but i find the dems and republicans just as repulsive as you guys find trump. the future with either party is one that will find the sate of the country in worse shape. solution is to fight.
  19. he is spewing the "right to defend themselves" lie. it is the exact same excuse israel uses to commit genocide.
  20. yeah i might be a little angry. but also have happiness in life. just have that anger laser focused.
  21. bernie can call out israel outright. same with any of the senators. he might not have much power but hes got enough to make a gesture of solidarity with the palestinians. he can call out israel even if they end up replacing him. not sure what good you are talking about for bernie but this is not one you "miss" on. just muddles his career further. i didnt say you like ice, simply saying concentration camps are already out there and would be nothing new, except this time they may go after you or me. i also want people to have healthcare coverage. should be a right.
  22. i asked for showing me where he calls out the state committing the genocide. i only saw fake sympathy and calls for the same bullshit cease fire biden keeps talking about.
  23. you call that not supporting israel?
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