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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. everything is more expensive because of inflation and wages not keeping up.
  2. im just saying what good the fda did for us before trump. have you seen the comparison of europes version of the fda? they motto goes something like, we wont allow it until proven safe, vs the fda which is something like we wont remove it until proven dangerous.
  3. i didnt say it was a waste of time. i got a vote and plan to use it no matter how fruitless it is. i want to resist. i think voting is still important, even in this corrupted and limited form. i want to participate in democracy and see it as an important part in society. i like to discuss elections and politics. and im not trying to attack anyone here, we've all known each others for years. and im not meaning to rain on peoples parade. just trying to run an honest discussion over the candidates in a non emotional way.
  4. have you seen the shit the fda has allowed long before trump? so much shit we shouldnt be eating like soda, or cereal with high sugar making us get diabetes as kids! the cooking oil they use. growth hormones on farm animals, gmo crops. corporations like monsanto poisoning our food.
  5. your equating trump to hitler. kamala to generic. i disagree. but to answer your question, yes im gonna vote to keep my loved one alive.
  6. you can add biden and harris to those names too. and yes, people struggling more than they were 4 years ago.
  7. im not trying to come off as holier than thou. just saying how i would vote, which is always gonna be with the candidates that mostly align with my ideals. i dont know why anyone would ever not vote in that way? win or lose i will take an L before i vote for kamala or trump. i dont agree with voting for a candidate just because they got a better shot at winning. its really that simple. i care. i live in this country, i got plenty of skin in the game. i want a better future just like anyone. i just dont think that a better future is gonna be achieved by voting blue.
  8. what do you call the president that supports genocide? and is being reckless in trying to escalate a ww3?
  9. it isnt? are you rich or something? even if you are hard to ignore everything not crumbling.
  10. what consequences? your arguments are keep voting blue no matter what. the party now in support of genocide.
  11. youre so emotional and defensive over this.
  12. trump is not hitler, hes just a regular republican. nothing special. there will be one in the next election running for president.
  13. nah, this is a gotcha question. i dont do those.
  14. there isnt anyone i ever fully agree with. seeing how the system is rigged, and how corrupted and evil these establishment candidates are, i cant pick any of them. would rather lose an election with the candidate that more closely aligns with my views than ever pick one of these war criminals.
  15. the candidate wins, but they will back the interests of their corporate donors. the country is in much worse shape now than it was even just 4 years ago. not just the country, but globally the situation is a disaster. but yes keep voting for the people that are propped up by corporations and other interests because they can pay some lip service and never deliver.
  16. its gonna crash and burn thats the course we are headed towards.
  17. the same one i supported in 2016, jill stein. https://www.jillstein2024.com/platform
  18. i said there was more work to be done than just electing said candidate. one person alone wont be saving everyone. no one is coming to save you. there are many rogue elements in this state that would work hard to eliminate any threat to their power.
  19. vote for a candidate that supports your policy. 3rd party will lose, but the system is kept afloat by the legitimacy people perceive it has. fight the system. lets say the 3rd party candidate wins, voting is still just a small part of the fight. one person wont change anything. support causes you believe in, like the student protests or other independent voices. join a socialist organization. make alliances with those who struggle on a global scale. donate to organizations that are dedicated to the fight.
  20. its the answer it deserved. but yes, this november it will be one or the other im aware. the delusion is the people brainwashed into voting for either party.
  21. yeah they know im not brainwashed like you.
  22. again, there is already plenty of republican bashing here with many points i agree with. i wont be adding anything new to the discussion by saying, i agree.
  23. probably because im bashing the dems side harder than the republican side. would it make people feel better if i bashed more on trump? im seeing it kinda pointless since everybody here has that already covered.
  24. trump aint my candidate and im not voting for him. as far as speaking goes, kamala is boring and cringe. theres a reason why she failed miserably in her previous attempts at presidency and why she's one of the least popular vp. her dmc speeches are always about stopping trump, same as bidens and hillarys speeches or everybody's elses speeches. vote for me or you get spooky man. trump does the same thing too, vote for me or spooky dems gonna turn america into communist lgbt utopia. they got their own talking points that pander to their own demographics. his speech ability is more entertaining than kamala, just based on how absurd everything he says is. like oh, hes talking about immigrants again. but ask me who i rather listen to? i shoot myself. i've always been a policy guy. vote for the candidate that more closely aligns to what i believe. vote for kamala and what you get out of it? a country still in decline in most metrics, except for military,. a trump presidency wont do anything to stop the decline either, might even speed up said collapse.
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