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Everything posted by enad

  1. For what it's worth I used the n-word when I proposed too.
  2. You really think that's going to fit on Fuggs' bloated finger?
  3. So you're asserting popular will is paramount in dictating the course of policy and law. Do you believe that Hillary Clinton is the rightful president then?
  4. In my wildest fantasies I dream of the 55% who hate Trump just packing their bags and heading north, leaving to let this place fester into a McDonald's megachurch where the snakes handled are later grounded into 6-piece nuggets, but I know that's just erotic fanfiction for me.
  5. This is a very long-winded way to say that you're upset Hillary Clinton is running for president again.
  6. Working in retail, you mean?
  7. Why did you have to clean it up?
  8. I look at it from the perspective that it would be more offensive to cast the Major as a Japanese woman and then have her appropriate a white woman's big bouncy boobies.
  9. I think the important story here is you finally found your way into a Subway but still managed to eat extra junk food.
  10. I bet that means it's really good.
  11. As you tempestuously cum in your cargo pants to the sight of children with golf course green bosoms remember that you're not allowed to give yourself 1st place for your own volcano.
  12. Is it a scene where people get married?
  13. In your attempts to inculcate self-loathing into the poor girl you've got her trying to convince herself she's nearly every color except black.
  14. enad

    Gay Swans

    Also like with human gays over time and with the help of carnival food they'll be turned into boats.
  15. With all the extra straps and piping he looks like he's parachuting or something. https://twitter.com/MarvelUK/status/845360919639134210
  16. I love what this has become.
  17. Get her Subway instead. Actually all of you should get Subway.
  18. I think it was called The Sandlot.
  19. I think I linked a clip of Moby Dick to one of these.
  20. I'm charging my power. Observe the visual metaphor. Although it's imperfect, as Schumer just stayed as the first version of Buu.
  21. I thought you said she was everything I hate...?
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