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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. Smart man. I’m getting ready to take some days off to get my sanity back.
  2. Not yet. Future plans though.
  3. .. on the process of buying a house. Most tedious, stressful bullshit of a process. Just give me the damn house.
  4. I’m the Steel Curtain. 😎 sorry scoob
  5. Good question. I’d have to think about it.
  6. I could work with this. Needs to be on a voluntary basis though. Aka, for free. Maybe I should look into being a dominiatrix.
  7. I just want mine detached forever. I hate having big breasts.
  8. If it meant my neck would stop hurting, yes
  9. I cry a lot, but I’ve been through too much in my life not to be an emotional person.
  10. Frank’s Chicken and Pizza Mandy’s Pizza
  11. All the cuteness
  12. I can always count on you.. on you
  13. Still not as good as sprinkling cheddar on my chest
  14. I tried to do that once. Ended up giving my number to a lesbian. In my defense, I did not know she swung that way until after I gave it to her. Sly girl.. but I like the dick
  15. Please send me some laughs. I’m having a really hard time tonight. I just need to get out of my brain for a little bit.
  16. I need a drink..
  17. Butter face
  18. I don’t think you’re ready for this
  19. I do swear entirely too much.
  20. Yesss. I hope you found the good stuff 😳
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