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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. Puuuurrrrrfect <3 <33333
  2. Let’s go!!!!
  3. it wouldn’t be
  4. Cash it is. I have several monopoly games that will help out with this >.>
  5. You bet your sweet D, I do
  6. Drinks all around!
  7. Now now, I know better
  8. I feel like this calls for a rave or something. unce unce unce unce
  9. Oh heeeyy. Whatchu doin?
  10. You complete me
  11. Do eet. You can’t judge me on what happens behind closed doors though once it’s in my possession.
  12. No clue why this posted twice
  13. Hotel and greyhound?
  14. Can I pay you in hugs? And gratitude?
  15. It would make for a good story?
  16. Trying to get me to pay for your air? Gold digger
  17. You’re getting ripped off.
  18. How much do you pay for the air your breathe?
  19. Life’s too short to not take risks.
  20. Male shrek on male shrek? Male shrek on female shrek? Female shrek on female shrek? So many options.
  21. sahockeygrl15


    Click it, click it good.
  22. Looking for a summer buddy. Mist be willing to attend concerts, amusement parks and willing to go on a canoe trip (aka all day drinking floating down the river).
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