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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. i have zero knowledge of this kind of terminology >.>
  2. I'm sitting here giggling like a little school girl :3
  3. I never use it.. only when I'm on my iPad or laptop which is never.. I have the bundle package with fios... but I hooked up some kind of router (that I got a great deal on after Xmas last year)
  4. Lacks_Sympathy[/member] tag you're it
  5. I have no idea what I have >.> I'm on my phone.. so I suppose sprint?
  6. don't be sad, get glad
  7. Oh good... I thought it was just me having problems with everything loading
  8. if we only disagree on food then I see this relationship working out
  9. Looks good
  10. I volunteer as tribute for the testing of this
  11. I love the way your fowl little mind works Name that movie
  12. Sushi <3 But not from the store.. I need it fresh
  13. Where's the beauty queen?!
  14. you have any ideas?
  15. Lacks_Sympathy[/member] I pikachu
  16. this brings me back to the 90s! Over and over again.. I can't keep picturing you with hiiiimmmmm
  17. Mangos are yummy! I like the misto from Rita's with mango and custard
  18. Just saw Moana.. it was pretty good
  19. It's amazing on flatbread pizza
  20. Om nom nom!!! <3 Also great with added hot sauce!
  21. You need to give that router a spanking
  22. Everyone is perverted
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