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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. you live and you learn.. Baked penne can be good! But I don't like zucchini >.>
  2. nope I'm right there with ya!
  3. you wouldn't want to see the things I've seen with people eating the meat fat.. getting sick thinking about it.. Kale is meh
  4. you can't change your mind!!! I kid
  5. yea it was not a good time That sounds pretty good actually! Maybe try it with some penne pasta instead
  6. meat fat definitely counts.. I tried liver once.. I took one bit and fed the rest to my dog at the time
  7. but that's why we road trip!
  8. no chicken pot pies for you!
  9. i don't blame you
  10. its a quick way to fill you up in a low budget >
  11. you don't think the pickle is sexy enough for the buns? Pickles are really gross when reheated though.. I'll give you that.. I made that mistake once
  12. road trip?
  13. i get it completely! Though I L ways eat Alfredo with chicken or shrimp.. and the texture of the noodles in any sauce other than butter (to me) is absolutely disgusting
  14. aw pickles <3 I used to be indifferent about them growing up but now.. nom nom nom
  15. i don't like tomatoes either.. I always ask for light sauce on pizzas because I fear of the chunk sauces.. but ketchup! I LOVE ketchup :3
  16. ive never had them, but it always reminds me of Rockos modern life with Heffer and the pork rinds
  17. omg I hate watermelon too.. sooo gross
  18. Name one?
  19. peas yuck.. same with black coffee... yay for pumpkin spice creamer
  20. I just don't like the combination of spaghetti noodles with red sauce.. actually with red or white sauce.. I love the noodles by themselves with a butter sauce and I like red and white sauce with other noodles.. but spaghetti noodles and heavy sauces are gross.. I also went on a date (one of the worst ones ever) wheee the guy took me to his place for a home cooked meal and to watch the football game.. which actually sounds like my kind of night! However, he cooked spaghetti (yuck) and then tried to suffocate me with his tongue while the game was on... you all know or should know my love for football.. that is a big no no to come between me and the game I got itritated and had him take me home and he blew up and Starting going ape shit.. calling my phone 12 times a day and texting me constantly for 3 weeks after that night.. I never spoke to him again Tldr; don't make me spaghetti or bother me during a football game with some bs
  21. It's a tie between chunky onion meatloaf and spaghetti for me
  22. not something worth sharing
  23. Dang.. what did you do? Sorry about maybe getting fired
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