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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. you would start with the arousals >.> Don't stop
  2. you have fun with that >.>
  3. worst combination ever </3
  4. you lucky person you
  5. I love coffee so much.. every day at work I have either one or two cups.. I've noticed on weekends I don't usually drink any coffee and it's been messing with my sleep schedule withdrawal D:
  6. because sleep <3
  7. you and your west coaster-ness >.> (take me under your wing)
  8. rAWr! I may need to see this for myself
  9. Why are you hogging all the sleep?
  10. For me? My body hates me and thinks it's hilarious when I run on no sleep at work
  11. you can't use winterfresh! Orbit cleans a dirty mouth
  12. Is that the pillow in the background?
  13. do you shower before your interview? >.> I'm just starting to cross things off the list
  14. Can't say that I have
  15. Join TC tonight
  16. you will not be disappointed
  17. maybe they will spit in his chair since he isn't being made a meal?
  18. Although, peanut butter and jelly made like a grilled cheese is bomb.com
  19. Did you eat it plain or with crackers and mustard or something?
  20. I never watched the live movie with maleficent.. but it didn't look that good on the previews
  21. but.. he talks.. and it technically a male under a spell? Oh well, it's still my favorite Disney movie of all time
  22. shh, don't talk like that
  23. ... for Beauty and the Beast, I start to cry >.> I cannot wait to see it!!!
  24. that's not a terrible idea.. he could probably recommend a good brand
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