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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. Not when you add a sunrise! A tequila sunrise
  2. Never heard of it
  3. If you swear at me again, I’m going to put you over my knee.. i have no no idea what that is, so sure!
  4. I bought it for my brother as a birthday gift.. does that count?
  5. I saw someone post they were done Christmas shopping already... I’m usually done by thanksgiving but hot damn it’s early!
  6. Baby, you’ll be seeing stars once I’m through with you
  7. What kind of games? cleaning feels rewarding for me.. until it all gets messy again
  8. Aw you’re too cute! I love it! I don’t want to keep you from sleep, I know how precious sleep is
  9. I’m just here for the comments
  10. Don’t leave me! I just got here!! I’m being ignored and need the sex, I mean, attention!
  11. Lol I saw that video before #friendship
  12. I love hot sauce, but only franks! But I also love chili flakes.. mmmm chili oil on pizza, nom
  13. Bend over.. oh my wait.. not that kind of fuck me
  14. Sounds like a glorious night!
  15. Posted up watching Harry Potter on HBO.. and what are you doing?
  16. I hate baked beans
  17. Number 3!!! I go with number 3 muahahha
  18. Where the f is his neck? He also looks preggo
  19. it’s the worst! Any ideas to bring on dreamland??
  20. I was doing fantastic until I couldn’t fall asleep
  21. I wanna, lililiiiickkkk you from your head to your toes 😛
  22. Bend over and find out
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