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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. I do! It’s very tasty
  2. Meh, I don’t care too much for the BL Lime.. coors isn’t too bad
  3. Hell yea!!! That or apricot blue moon
  4. I think it’s delicious! I think you’d find it enjoyable.. if not that, apricot blue moon! Apparently it’s a a fall beer but I’ve found it before.. THAT is amazing!
  5. But it tastes like orange soda!
  6. I was thinking skinny emo church boy look.. but I can see your side too.. I definitely think it’s the mugshot
  7. Asiago peppercorn! It’s nom
  8. This is pure gold.. or porcelain gold
  9. She looks like a dude, dude
  10. Oh... you want to sleep... ... I’ll put my clothes back on then
  11. Lmao.. *eats popcorn* women are so sensitive
  12. Do you have handlebars for hair that I’m not aware of? 🤔
  13. *dips shrimp into cocktail sauce* I’m sorry... you were saying?
  14. Absolutely!
  15. Lol I like that song.. but someone did write in to our radio station and went on a rant about this song and they stopped playing it so much
  16. I don’t want a pleasant day.. I want a pleasure day
  17. This is normal... the solution: cut your hair
  18. Just flat out ask her.. no beating around the bush.. but if all goes well then you can beat around the bush.. preferably in it
  19. Nope nope.. I barely get to watch tv as it is
  20. Touché.. but I’ve never watched it
  21. Are we going to practice this slapping you speak of?
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