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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. I certainly could use a night out.. but my wild side has toned down quite a bit
  2. that's really unfair for you! I've got the pitchforks ready and sharpened
  3. rAWr
  4. so cruel </3
  5. no bueno! I'm all for pitchforking against insomnia
  6. tehe! :3
  7. lucky.. I have nothing.. well that's a lie.. I might have a benydryl.. but I only take those when my sinuses hate me
  8. at least you are being productive.. I'm just sitting here ruining my eyesight by staring at my phone screen
  9. I've been up since 4am.. my brain is cursing at me right meow... plus this is my staycation.. I'm supposed to be well rested when I return to work next week
  10. I think you'll be fine
  11. Meat meat meat!
  12. I want to see an ass car D:
  13. INSOMNIA strikes again!
  14. #ladyruffington
  15. my pics are shared discreetly
  16. Thai food is amazing
  17. lol no.. I'm always in the buff.. nude.. nekkid.. commando style
  18. Interesting... very interesting ?
  19. I could watch a good western movie right about now!
  20. that would excite you.. and me
  21. #teamdog
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