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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. I have no clue....
  2. I love E.T. I’ll come over a do a stakeout... or we could steak out
  3. Ah, Eastern PA! I was over there for a business trip a few weeks ago >__> you better report it before before they eat your house
  4. Which part are you from? I’m in PA too but have never seen that.. it looks like a mutated ladybug
  5. I’m nekkid the minute I walk in the door.. I have a no clothes policy in my house
  6. Went way over my head... I’m super tired
  7. Slept a lot.. allergy pills will do that
  8. What’s a betch?
  9. In this guys apartment on a mattress on a floor and that opened up Pandora’s box................
  10. Le perfect pillow!!!!!! Squeeeeee!!!! http://incrediblethings.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/comfybreasts-pillow.jpg
  11. Pizza Hut isn’t pizza so disappointed
  12. If I had a dick and was into chicks... I’d plow my avatar
  13. You neeeeed to!
  14. It sure is!!
  15. Nooo! Don’t say that!
  16. I totz could!
  17. I’m going to stand behind you.. also nekkid
  18. Let me know what you think of it
  19. I always feel the need to have something on top of me when I’m in bed.. is it hot or cold in your room?
  20. I promise it’s worth it
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