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Elder (10/22)



  1. I’m in if it’s still available!
  2. The grey stuff from Beauty and the Beast or all of the Harry Potter snacks from the snack cart!
  3. Lurk lurk lurk lurk
  4. I smell the year for winning the stairway to 7! *waves Terrible Towel*
  5. Hehehe i have, unfortunately nothing works for the long haul. I’ve had fans going, music of all genres, tried making myself tired with sexy time.. nothing works.
  6. What’s that? >.>
  7. Someone needs to send her some salsa to remedy that.
  8. Ferr shherrrr! I know you got this 😉
  9. Let me help you... pose for a selfie while doing the dirty house chores. Grrrrr
  10. That’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout!
  11. What could be more of a wow factor than trying to fly a plane? ok, ok. I choose Bruce Willis’s pad. For reasons of sexy. The things that would happen in that house 🥴
  12. Is she grading to this? Micromanaging at its finest.
  13. I think I’d post up near or in a major airport. Endless supplies, you know for a while at least but plenty of opportunity for options there!
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