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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. Nice. I got my sheets at Steinmart They are alright, but I am saving money for a set of Boll and Branch sheets. So comfy but so expensive.
  2. AoT2 is only what, 12 epsiodes. That isn't very long, it might be enough to pull out of a slump, but I hope they have something else to roll when it is done.
  3. Happy almost Bday Ghostrek. Live long and prosper.
  4. No, you didn't. You could speak to her at public places such as church or the market. Only rapey creeps tried to figure out where they lived. [youtube autoplay=1]
  5. I would take all that mandated time pay and throw it at my student loans. Get rid of those asap, that way if they hire on 3rd shift you won't get crunched by the pay drop.
  6. They thought you were a narc?
  7. Can't do much about the taxes, other than call your Congressman and tell them to vote for the tax reform bill. You are making good money now, I would find a good financial planner and develop a strategy.
  8. Put the top down on my car Saturday, sunburn on my forehead.
  9. Nice.
  10. That's Jman....
  11. Didn't they cancel it because the fans are awful awful people?
  12. Sam Jack: Alright, talking penis head was funny. JAck finally got over his inner Sasuke, so time to find your magic sword and go kick Aku's ass. DBZ : Gonna kinda lump em all together, and say a lot of attempt at story, not a lot of yelling or fighting. Meh. Still, we get Buu, well kinda. AoT2 : So, Levi wants to dress like a French aristocrat and gets grumpy when interrupted. I guess now we get to guess who the human form of furry titan is. New OP lacks the innate awesome of the very first OP. Overall, kinda not impressed. Tokyo Ghoul : Ugh. I saw it subbed, it got awful. I doubt dubbing it will improve things. Hunter : Ok, back to Kurapika, since he was being productive. This almost felt like filler, an episode about appraisals. That kind of ranks up there with demon mushroom soup..... Naruto : Well, Naruto getting beaten with a stick was amusing the first time or two. Did Sasuke try to pass off sushi as a tailed beast? Oh well, when the actual fight starts it does get pretty awesome.
  13. So bad....
  14. I doubt that. It is probably just simple biology; they are guys and you are cute. I wouldn't worry about it too much, just be clear with them about you being in a relationship and committed. They will get it,even if they play it off as they are goofing around.
  15. West central Indiana....
  16. It actually said giggity? That's awesome. >
  17. Glasses, pink hair and summer dresses are my kryptonite. Everyone in my family wears glasses, except for me. I have noticed though that I am reaching for some reading glasses lately.
  18. Or maybe they can't afford to offer insurance.... ::spin::
  19. We'e 7.25/hr min wage, though there have been some lawmakers who have tried to get it raised to 10/hr. Where I live most places will start you off around 11/hr depending on your experience. If you have a six month training cert. for CNC milling you can start around 15/hr and usually get closer to 17/hr after a year. Cost of living around here is pretty low as well. Median home price is 75k and food is fairly cheap. Edit: You know why employers are only hiring on PT work right? Course you do..... -_'
  20. So am I. I like to think it is from an overdose of Andes Mint shakes from Arby's, but I know it just means I've spammed a bunch. >
  21. Never actually been in that situation myself, but I've seen some of my friends cheat with each other. I steered clear of that situation, that was some heavy drama. I just date one person at a time and don't try to "commit the robbery".
  22. Motorweek is probably the best car show these days, which makes me kind of sad.
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