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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Not since middle school when I had a decent sized Olympic coin that I flipped trying to act like Two-Face.
  2. May the anime gods smile upon you and grant you this worthy wish.
  3. 91 Days 1-13 I watched it all last night and I wasn't supposed to like it, but now I'm writing fanfic at six-something in the goddamn morning.
  4. I am guilty of contributing to retail hell day, but at least I do try to shop when the crowds die down and workers aren't so frazzled.
  5. I have fun watching people stuff big ass TVs into their cars during the holidays.
  6. I'm mainly looking at Sentai's sale but wondering if Rightstuf is gonna pull out a mega deal that's gonna take all my money. So what are you guys thinking about buying?
  7. I don't want to do all of this goddamn work! Why can't I just write stand-alone books? My brain, I swear to fucking God, you better not write another 130k book. *Endless crying*
  8. So you're part of the staff they don't ever want their higher paying customers to ever lay eyes on?
  9. We were way past the point of apology like after his second heinous food pic.
  10. I guess I can let it slide.
  11. @CutieQuesadilla, what are you putting in this man's head?
  12. Joking aside, you gotta work on finding out if someone is single first, but you're probably better off not dating a co-worker anyways.
  13. Oh you sweet summer child.
  14. Bruh, you move slower than a Jane Austen character. You had no chance. Just accept it.
  15. @Radical Left, why you do this?
  16. I was considering it, but then I saw you try to call yourself a Shikamaru in Boo's Naruto thread, so REQUEST DENIED!
  17. I slightly smiled, so I'll give you this.
  18. It's good you had someone like that in your life, and your mom sounds cool too.
  19. Sweet potato pies are di...sgu...sting. I need a gif of Suzaku kicking gross ass pies into space where they belong.
  20. This is why you're Jizz. Jazz hands have always been cool.
  21. Dude, as long as you take to ask relevant questions, I'm surprised she ain't married with two kids by now.
  22. This has already been in the works for several months, but it still bites writing a Dear John letter to a publisher. Now I gotta go write a series proposal to another publisher so I can jump right back into the submission process which means I really need booze.
  23. Jazz hands are cool, so I cannot support this.
  24. This can go in the trash too.
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