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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    I'm good with that.
  2. Got some croissants from Costco yesterday, so I'm thinking about toasting one for a few minutes and then putting a few slices of ham in it with some brie. Also maybe some scrambled eggs on the side.
  3. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    I actually managed to catch it on they first try 🤯. I'm all out of eggs though and revives because the app has gotten stingy.
  4. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Shout out to @jackiemarie90 for the Regice snag.
  5. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Thank you kindly for the level up.
  6. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Lucky egg has been thrown.
  7. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    How about in 5 minutes?
  8. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

  9. <.< >.> I sort of kept it ranty. On to an old school official rant: Fuck your sex robots, tourist space trips, and flying cars. Give me a motherfucking cooking/cleaning bot that works as well as a human. It pisses me off how many technological advances feel stifled due to apathy and lack of access to a fuller education.
  10. The places dedicated to birria tacos that've recently opened in Georgia ain't even playing. They put out sit-down restaurant prices right out the gate. They know folks gonna pay, and they advertising that thick ass spicy looking consome. Why'd I ever taste these damn tacos? I can't go back to the before times!
  11. This: And a lovely person was like 'This is a super delicious beef broth, let me go ham on this shit'. So now there's birria ramen too.
  12. Why'd all you other fuckers have to find out about birria tacos? Since now they're a popular food item, they're going up in price at multiple joints, and I can tell the consome they put in the little cups is watered down now(also multiple joints) to keep up with demand. 😭 Every time the good shit goes mainstream y'all ruins it, y'all RUINS IT!
  13. I forgot that serial killer fans are still a thing. All right lady, it's your money to send presents to Kemper if you want. I just want to wipe my brain to ten minutes ago.
  14. Why is it that I can't come up with standalone stories? I just want to write a one and done book, but nooooooooooo, my brain always turns it into a friggin' series.
  15. Uh, didn't Mochi and Elfie bring attention to this while mods were mum and other users who saw what happened provided the info? Nothing stays quiet when there's a thread created about it and people make cryptic comments.
  16. Ohhhhhh, that's what that meat wrapping thread was about. I thought you guys were just making more dick jokes.
  17. What did y'all bet on?
  18. On the other hand, too flavorful can be a problem too because it can make marshmallows feel redundant like in Froot Loops. Trix are a little less tasty which is why their Trolls with marshmallows cereal works so well for me. I just bought one of those Dunkin cereals, so I wonder what that will taste like.
  19. Jeez, y'all aren't even being subtle anymore about buying reviews, huh? Less money out of my pocket, but if you're gonna spend money on this instead of improving your writing, maybe make sure the 'reviewer' understands you wrote about werewolves instead of vampires. 🙄
  20. That depends. You want it in plastic bags or milk jugs?
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