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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. That's part of it, but the studio had a choice in improving weaker source material. They chose not to do it at all in fear of what I think was losing easy money from fans of the games. Maybe if they had completely separated UBW from F/Z, I'd be less whiny about it, but they didn't and UBW as a sequel just feels like a waste. Like Saber's character for example. All that development from F/Z trashed because she's not in the main pairing this time. I really liked younger Rin too, and it only felt like a small part of her from F/Z was added into her older version in UBW.
  2. Detective Conan 708
  3. The guy in the very back who looks like he has a cartoon head pasted on his body.
  4. Ssshhhhhhhhhh!
  5. All of the above.
  6. Absolutely not.
  7. I'm a new person.
  8. I think Heaven's Feel will probably have the same issues as UBW because the studio's main concerns with Fate anime associated with favorite pairings isn't the story but making gamer fanboys happy. So there will be more dumb flirting at awkward times, the dialogue will run on forever, there won't be much depth to the characters, and the dark storyline will be badly handled. I will totally shut the fuck up about this if they give me another show as good as Fate/Zero.
  9. I understand where you're coming from. For me, resolutions are more about the harder things to accomplish that I really need to plan for at the beginning of the year. If I fail, I won't beat myself up over it, but I'll try like hell to make at least one of them happen.
  10. I lived in Spokane when I was little, and one of the few things I remember is staring at the cloudy sky for hours.
  11. It's beautiful, good food, great art/writing scene, I feel that I would do a lot of walking there, and the lower average temps are something my body really needs.
  12. I was laughing at that in Fate/Zero because two characters were doing it at the same time.
  13. Get an agent, keep losing weight, write faster, and figure out if I'm staying in Georgia or if I can handle a move to Seattle.
  14. I think a big meal is out because my mom's car battery died and we had to deal with that drama. Fried chicken, greens, black-eyed peas, and cornbread were on the menu, but we'll probably just eat snacks for dinner.
  15. As for my thoughts, I've accepted that I'm surrounded by dumbfucks, and that fact won't change any time soon.
  16. Mochi, I know this is hard but for the time being just ignore anything related to politics. Concentrate on gathering resources: money, friends who aren't shitty, and things that put you in a good mindset like movies(books, etc.)
  17. 254. It'll be a long time before I see 1k, but it's doable unless I die because I've never gotten tired of anime.
  18. I got a bunch of chocolate and today I'm on the hunt for a discounted calendar. The new pretty ones always cost too much until after Christmas.
  19. I think Devil is a Part Timer expired on Netflix a few months ago, and thank you for reminding me to check what's leaving it in January. I think having generic taste in anime happens to a lot of people because anime is the only medium that constantly provides shows which contain tropes not seen on regular tv. And since it's nice just having access to those tropes, it might be more easily enjoyed than the regular stuff even if it's a plot you've seen a dozen times(I am totally guilty of this with 'A group of misfits possessing powers run a business or secret government organization to solve magical problems' anime). As for what I'm watching, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works season 2 episode 6. I'm putting the rest of the series on hold and might do a rewatch later. Watching this directly after Fate/Zero is ruining it for me. The drop in quality of the writing just makes UBW look lazy too. The underlying storyline about Shirou could be an interesting take on the 'I'm going to save everyone' protag, but it seems like the studio is unwilling to put in the effort to give it depth. Instead, too much screentime is given to Rin and Shirou flirting with each other instead of properly building up to the fights, and by the second season, there's really been no attempt to truly develop any of the characters. *Sigh* Fate/Zero friggin spoiled me.
  20. Fate/Zero 18 Okay, this is a way more fucked up backstory than what I was expecting.
  21. I've seen a few episodes of Knights of Sidonia on Netflix without it bothering me visually, so Ajin probably won't be an exception. Ajin's been on my watchlist because I saw a lot of people really into its second season, so you're in good company.
  22. I've heard a lot of good things about it and made plans to make it my Sunday chilling out watch.
  23. This is my first time watching it, and the fights are beautifully animated. The action has been amping up in both style and emotion, so I've taken mini breaks in between episodes. Even knowing Fate background from the first tv series and spoilers online doesn't lessen the intensity. Going into episode 16 now.
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