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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. May your ass get better. What is with you guys and your asses? I think Nab and Sponges had ass issues too. Now I want to call you the Ass Trio.
  2. Duh, women. Heck, just look up mass shootings and you'll see a bunch are always dudes whose girlfriend/wife just broke up with them and they're all, 'I'm gonna shoot her and some innocent folks just chillin in her vicinity'.
  3. I'm not usually into Hollywood gossip, but the Davis and Crawford drama off camera was juicy even by today's standards. Definitely watching.
  4. This sounds like a great friend.
  5. When I started it, it was supposed to be a break in between a Free marathon, but after watching the first few minutes and the OP, I paused it and finished Free season one. I did this because in like three minutes I knew that if I watched mediocre shows alongside Space Brothers, they were going to look horrible next to it. I'm back on schedule after just finishing Space Brothers episode 1 and moving on to 2. There are so many small details in every scene that tug at my emotions, and I'm really looking forward to how the story develops.
  6. Yeah, even without the horrible bloating, I ain't getting used to pisswater when there are more delicious ways to down alcoholic drinks.
  7. Ditto. Beer makes me feel like I'm dying, but ciders are gentle on my stomach.
  8. DC's Legends has that late 90's to early 2000's cheesy action show feel to it, so I'm into it.
  9. Space Brothers 1
  10. That list looks like how the beginning of a Wives With Knives episode starts.
  11. Maybe a month or two before the boards went down for good, I remember a topic started about you and Katt being mistaken for each other, so I was like 'Ohhhh, so this is KatEyes they were talking about.'
  12. I watched the first episode of Spirit Pact, read the comments which said it was first released as Soul Contract, and then watched all of that. I enjoyed parts of it, but it was the part of my brain that will like even the most mediocre of BL shows. The jokes feel outdated, but I actually thought the ghost dude was cute in a hyper way and he didn't end up useless like I thought he would. As a writer, I got a lot of plot bunnies of how to make a better version of this, but regular viewers probably won't be into it long enough to finish it.
  13. My reasons for getting out of bed: the world needs more gay porn, I haven't eaten all of the delicious foods, and my family and friends are never boring.
  14. Yeah, I don't drop my pseudonym on this community because this is the only place where I have some privacy and I don't have to watch every word I say.
  15. It must suck being white because that shit sure wasn't going down that way with a black customer.
  16. Pathologist(decided I didn't have the stomach for murdered children or sexually assaulted victims), vet, private detective, English teacher, and a famous writer.
  17. Gattaca Iron Will
  18. Hey, I saw it during the first week too. I really liked it, and I've been dodging season 2 spoilers. So other than the season when it takes place, I'll be in the dark about what to expect.
  19. Encourage you to post a pic of your man titties?
  20. I'm not into babydolls and short slips. I am a sucker for the vintage gowns too that are floorlength and make you look like a soap opera star. Those suckers are expensive as hell though.
  21. I think I stopped at episode 18, so the flat out denial of the ending doesn't bother me, but it must be confusing for viewers like you who did finish the first season.
  22. I like their panties but their lingerie styles aren't really my thing.
  23. Oh stop being picky. The whole voyeur thing with the friend I think was more about getting off on being open about their relationship in front of someone. The orgy wasn't rapey either, it was just everyone feeling each other's desires at the same time. The conversion therapy storyline did make me rage, but it wasn't badly done. Watch it, Mochi. WATCH IT. ;D
  24. *Sigh* I was actually thinking about buying Froot Loops this weekend. God you bite.
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