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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Oh look, here's Chris Rock out here proving once again I was right to be pro-slap since day 1.
  2. They took it away and sometimes we can have a little flavor if they decide to do a Pumpkin Spice during the Fall which is NOT THE SAME! ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  3. Stop fucking putting Jared Leto in shit. Seriously, why y'all keep shoving him into stuff I'm curious about? Ain't trying to look at Tiffany Haddish either. The Idol been looked sexist as fuck, so that drama wasn't a surprise. It might make me give up on trying Euphoria because Sam Levinson already gave me "Will be a future headline for not good reasons vibe", so I don't want to get into his work.
  4. I used to eat frosted mini wheats all the time until they discontinued the maple and brown sugar.
  5. I have a hard time consuming cereal like I used to because they keep changing the recipes to stuff that hurts my stomach. I don't know what's in Lucky Charms nowadays, but it's the worst culprit now. Thankfully, I can still eat Cocoa Puffs.
  6. Me: Damn, this artist's work is as good as the official artwork of those novels. Twitch chat weeks after I've been following this artist: How can you do all these things on the side when you're the official artist of those novels? Me: Thank fucking god I don't comment much ๐Ÿ˜ญ !
  7. The way folks just be talking online about stuff from their jobs that they ain't supposed to be talking about, and I am always here for it. Me: I want to play games again and buy some stuff I missed out on because of all the crappy health shit. Also watches gameplay of Portal 2 that all of my friends gushed about so much back in the day. Maybe I'll look into that series. Steam: We put Portal 1 and 2 on sale for a buck fifty. Me: Okay universe, I get it. Play Portal.
  8. This is becoming like dealing with Brianna Wu. With her, it's hard to shoot off an insult without an incel trying to join in. But with this guy, it's fucking British royalists and Muskrat fanboys. Just fuck it, let them fight each other.
  9. Social media owners: I can't believe people don't read the TOS. How can we have conversations about my site if you don't read them? Writers who constantly read contracts for a living: Reads the TOS. Social media owners: ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ.....HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!!!!
  10. The fact that he lost a chunk of his memories after crashing and then was like, 'I still like this job' was something to me. So he must really love that shit.
  11. So much for Spoutible being a good alternative. Bouzy went full bitch over a section about adult content in his TOS being questioned. Dude could have just researched how vague language in those areas lead to targeting minorities, but he decided to pull a Musk and lose his entire shit.
  12. So lil' Miss Thang will finally have a Netflix cover that matches the content of the book. How quaint. She been on the list, but her black enabler is getting put on there too.
  13. The Anita Baker concert where she had Babyface open for her looked nice. I wish I could handle going to big concerts. Large crowds are stressful for me, and I can only deal with them if I can easily escape outside or can find secluded quiet spots. Also, how did that chick become a full-fledged fugitive? SMH. The romance world ain't ever boring, I'll give it that.
  14. Me: When my art gets better, I want to learn rigging. Me after seeing how much work goes into moving half a bang: That shit probably ain't gonna happen.
  15. I think it's easier to still enjoy if a lot of that stuff goes over your head. Like it doesn't just smack you in the face right when you read them because before she went full dickhole, a lot of her fucked up stuff was more European coded. I learned a bunch of that stuff while deep diving into fairy tales to avoid Disney trademarked shit that unconsciously imprints on your brain as a kid and finding anti-Semitism behind so many stories or hatred towards the Roma and disabilities.
  16. That's what you get for making up games in the morning so I only read like half your post. Edible as in taste good by itself or can be consumed without dying? All I got of the former is produce that ain't come with daggone nutritional facts, and nothing but rice and dry pasta for the latter.
  17. If you're talking about a restaurant or cooking, sushi is all I got. Depending on how the rice is cooked(restaurant), the salt might be added after the rice is done and not while it's simmering.
  18. Well shit. One of the social media accounts I watch to be nosy went private. Should have gone that extra creepy step and just followed it. It's frustrating because there are 2 events that could have led up to going private but I checked too late to know.
  19. That's because Warner Brothers gets to hire writers instead of relying on Rowling to handle the overall story like Fantastic Beasts where they're stuck with her playing a larger part.
  20. I'll add on to this because this annoyed me for a different reason than the six finger nonsense in the Linkin Park vid. Netflix I think built their own AI using past work from their company. Aside from whatever all that entails, I'm more bothered that I felt nothing while watching any of that The Dog and the Boy video. I could guess what was going to happen, and it just felt so boring. The dog looks kind of bad to me too, and I usually give a lot of leeway to the way even robot animals look.
  21. The only reason this didn't annoy me was because I'm already irked by the Linkin Park disappointment.
  22. The thing with HP is that if I think of any of the worldbuilding, I feel icky as hell because Rowling has been fucked up. It's not just the goblins. She pretty much considers any culture outside of her own as beneath hers and barely worth acknowledging other than aesthetics. The whole wizardry world is fascism from top to bottom, and what did Rowling add after having years and money to improve upon it? That wizards shit on the floor. I'm fucking embarrassed for having been into her books. The only things she's good at are swiping magical school tropes from earlier books and channeling some of her past grief. It's why she can't write anything coherently as a prequel or sequel; there isn't much for her to borrow for those kind of stories.
  23. Wow, that almost sounds as bad as the murder rates of those in the trans community. It's so rude of them to not want folks to give money to a person who endangers their lives on a daily basis. Why can't they let you play your little anti-Semitic game in peace? I swear, always running your bitch ass mouth about shit while trying to sound like you ain't doin' a thing. Aren't you tired of the 'Aw shucks bigot' routine yet?
  24. Hey...HEY...I just ate. Don't make me throw up my lunch.
  25. I hate everyone here so fucking much! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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