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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Somehow I managed to stay awake for this week's episode! Episode #78: "Two Brothers". Man, it's crazy with Pyxis still alive and not turned into a Titan yet. He shouldn't have drunk that wine!
  2. EPISODE 4: SHACKLES I'm actually here this week for the forklifts!!
  3. Well, technically it was yesterday...
  4. Happy Birthday to Gaara's VA, Liam O'Brien!!
  5. So next week is the last episode of Season 18, before falling into the filler hell that is Season 19?
  6. Man, all the Beasts just got their asses kicked!
  7. Didn't that actually happen somewhere in the Batman franchise?
  8. Pain was Nagato, Sage of 6 Paths!
  9. Oh great, now the White Zetsu showed up!
  10. So this is a flashback to WHY the Fishmen might see them as enemies?
  11. The canon stuff is pretty damn good! The filler stuff? Beats the hell out of me! Hey, they actually cut the intro to this episode!
  12. It doesn't make any damn sense, but it's hilarious and entertaining!
  13. Yeah, I should have... I had to delete a BUNCH of Naruto Shippuden from my DVR to make room for tonight!
  14. I fell asleep during 552 last week. Hope I'm not too lost...
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