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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Between this episode of Lupin and One Piece, it was PIRATE NIGHT on Toonami!! And the Sandman got me FAR too early, so I had to catch up later! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/lupin-the-3rd-part-6/episode-9/.180534 An amazing, near perfect ride of an episode at 4.5 stars!! More like THIS, LUPIN!!
  2. Couldn't even stay up to see his Titan form meet its unfortunate end again. 😥
  3. Set Sail!!!! You can join the fight at 1:30 indeed, but if you do, you're HALF AN HOUR LATE to the party!! Tomorrow night (6/18-19/22) we party like it's 2013...on Toonami!!
  4. The capers continue tomorrow night (6/18-19/22) an hour earlier, as Lupin steals 12:30 AM! ONLY TOONAMI!!
  5. "The Adult Swim line-up performed as follows: PRIMAL steady at 0.17/355K, ASSASSINATION CLASSROOM steady at 0.13, LUPIN THE 3RD down 0.03 to 0.08, ONE PIECE at 0.09/0.08 compared to last week’s 0.11/0.09, NARUTO down a tick to 0.07, SHENMUE down 0.03 to 0.05/116K, and ATTACK ON TITAN down 0.04 to 0.03/104K." PRIMAL took a tiny step up, cracking 350K, and Ass Class followed suit but everything else dropped off quite a bit. At least AOT stayed over 100K.
  6. I have an odd theory about this one: what if the plan is to run 1-6 on FRIDAY from 12-3 AM and then finish the marathon with 7-13 during Toonami? That would be neat to see!
  7. There's a 99% chance this will be worse than Season 2...
  8. Ass Class just barely misses the 300K+ Club with its epilogous final episode: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-6-11-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html Unfortunately, Lupin fell HARD after that, and then One Piece recovered but not by much. Only Shippuden missed the Top 50, checking in at #52 with 163K viewers and a 0.07 in Adults 18-49.
  9. Rick & Morty led the charge among originals on Saturday, June 4th, but PRIMAL wasn't that far behind: http://www.ratingsryan.com/2022/06/top-200-cable-reruns-week-ending-june-5.html?m=1
  10. One half main story; one half side story, ALL AWESOME https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/lupin-the-3rd-part-6/episode-8/.180289 4.5 Stars!!
  11. Yeah, I woke back up and watched the West Coast airing after snoozing through everything after Ass Class earlier. Couldn't miss such a pivotal episode!!
  12. Brutal and sad. Oh well; on to the final episode of Assassination Classroom!!
  13. It's a good thing Jekyll and Hyde have this concept in the public domain, or else Marvel might sue!!
  14. Oh, all you monkey asses are really screwed now!! MEET HULK SPEAR!!!
  15. EPISODE 5 TONIGHT, in less than an hour!!
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