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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. "On Adult Swim, the line-up performed as follows: PRIMAL down 0.01 to 0.10/237K, LUPIN THE 3RD steady at 0.06, YASHAHIME up 0.01 to 0.08, ONE PIECE at 0.06/0.05 compared to last week’s 0.06/0.06, NARUTO down 0.02 to 0.04, BLADE RUNNER: BLACK LOTUS down 0.02 to 0.03/79K, and MADE IN ABYSS down 0.02 to 0.03/75K." Yeowch!!
  2. I'm almost certain now he's pushing for Toonami to acquire Gundam WFM and use it to cross-promote Battlebots Season 5/7/12/2022-23 on Discovery! The question is: would that take midnight?
  3. Well, Yashahime improved slightly, good enough for #43, but everything else either held steady or did a bit worse: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-8-27-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html I am quite fearful for the 3 AM Blade In Abyss hour...
  4. While we wait for ratings to come in for Saturday, what say we take a look back and see how PRIMAL did Thursday night... https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-thursday-8-25-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html Not too shabby, I guess. #29/0.11 18-49 and 216K total viewers. Hope Toonami kept pace with that!
  5. So it looks like I got a little confused. The MADE IN ABYSS Season 2 dub is coming August 31 to HiDive. Gundam: The Witch From Mercury DOES NOT have a dub announced yet. Also, with the series starting October 28th in Japan, its replacing Housing Complex C at Midnight is an even bigger longshot than I thought! That slot will PROBABLY go to MHA Season 6. https://en.gundam.info/news/video-music/01_8237.html Instead, I predict the following for the 1 AM timeslot Late 2022-Early 2023: Late October: Lupin wraps, replaced with Made In Abyss Season 2 early November. Gundam: Witch From Mercury replaces either that or Yashahime in early 2023.
  6. Here we go...in 3 minutes! I'm in Nashville at Roger Waters so you won't hear much from me this week...
  7. Just who is Rion? Find out more about Kirinmaru's mysterious daughter tonight (8/27-28) at 12:30 on Toonami!
  8. I won't spoil anything, but trust me, it's a GOOD ONE!! Midnight tonight (8/27-28) on TOONAMI!! P.S., Adult Swim DID produce this sneak peek...
  9. IBO was a dub premiere, but Unicorn was not. I would say merely being on YouTube first doesn't preclude the chances of it winding up on Toonami too. Also I don't think Gundam The Origin was a dub premiere but I COULD be wrong about that!
  10. I suppose it's possible if WBD does end up axing CN, [as] COULD live on, on Saturday nights on TBS or TNT. Start with comedy premieres at 9 PM or 10 PM, run through a few more classic reruns and American Dad or Rick & Morty at 11:30, and then Toonami would take over at Midnight.
  11. Well, to be fair, not like the first season ever premiered on Toonami. I think the best we can hope for is for the second season to follow immediately after the graveyard slot rerun of the first season. (But certainly not in that timeslot!) https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2022-08-24/made-in-abyss-season-2-anime-reveals-english-dub-august-31-premiere-cast/.188955
  12. "On Adult Swim, the line-up performed as follows: PRIMAL steady at 0.11/243K, LUPIN THE 3RD down 0.02 to 0.06, YASHAHIME down 0.01 to 0.07, ONE PIECE at 0.06/0.06 compared to last week’s 0.07/0.06, NARUTO down 0.01 to 0.06, BLADE RUNNER: BLACK LOTUS steady at 0.05/101K, and MADE IN ABYSS up 0.01 to 0.05/93K." This guy DOES know Yashahime comes on before Lupin, right? Either way, pretty steady Toonami once Yashahime lost about a third of Primal's 18-49 audience and an even larger chunk of its total viewers, which I just don't get. Nothing under 0.05 18-49 this week, which is good, even if Made In Abyss's total viewers declined slightly.
  13. Well, these guys sure are hopeful that Batman: Caped Crusader is off HBO Max but will still air on Cartoon Network: https://winteriscoming.net/2022/08/23/hbo-max-junks-more-animated-shows-including-high-profile-batman-series/
  14. While generally considered a long-shot for Toonami, in the absence of a FanDome event this year (which could still come in October after Housing Complex C like what happened with Fena last year), you couldn't come up with a cleaner plan than showing a dub premiere (?) of this September 24th, then following up with the rest of the series starting in November! Gundam at Midnight in 2022, why not? But just on the considerably-more-than-off chance that doesn't happen, it's good to know gundam.info has our backs! Edit: I hesitated to post this in the Toonami folder, but since it concerns a show that is a staple for Toonami, I figured it belonged here!
  15. Cartoon Network needs some sort of vault. Even if you had to go to Atlanta to witness them, these shows need to exist in some sort of museum exhibit. CN is having the worst 30th birthday ever! I watched the first 2 Books on CN but have yet to see Books 3 and 4 of Infinity Train, and now I guess I never will. 😭
  16. Interestingly enough, this article says that the show would air on Cartoon Network's ACME night, not on HBO Max; is it possible we're reading too much into this? Probably not, but still... https://cartoonnetwork.fandom.com/wiki/Batman:_Caped_Crusader Well, Syfy aired Harley Quinn, so maybe they'll want to premiere this?
  17. Well folks, Fang laid an egg (and then 2 more) on Saturday night and the rest of Toonami followed suit: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-8-20-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html Not even posting the grid, because there isn't a single Toonami show on it. Yashahime checked in at #57 with 137K and a 0.07 18-49 and then it went downhill from there. At least Shippuden managed to keep it above 100K, and Lupin of all things was last at #71 but with a 0.06 18-49, which indicates the Blade In Abyss power hour just might not be a bloodbath after all!
  18. While generally considered a long-shot for Toonami, in the absence of a FanDome event this year (which could still come in October after Housing Complex C like what happened with Fena last year), you couldn't come up with a cleaner plan than showing a dub premiere (?) of this September 24th, then following up with the rest of the series starting in November! Gundam at Midnight in 2022, why not? But just on the considerably-more-than-off chance that doesn't happen, it's good to know gundam.info has our backs!
  19. It comes right after the Z(ed) mini-arc, right? According to my DVR, we are on Season 15, and probably the tail-end. If that translates to Season 9 in the DVD collection or something, then I guess when it's over, Season 16/10 is next!
  20. Mr. Kirin is Kirinmaru, LOL!!! I saw this episode last night on my phone, so no way to comment or to hear the voices. But damn, as soon as I heard Crispin's voice coming from Mr. Kirin, that was painfully obvious indeed!! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/yashahime-princess-half-demon-the-second-act/episode-4/.178774 Me too, Mr. Reviewer, I want to like it too, since it's the second best thing Toonami's got going for it right now. But I would probably have been a little more generous than just 3 stars. Maybe 3.5 or 4. On a side note, my DVR is screwing up royally lately, so I might be trying to catch more shows live. Though I CAN watch them otherwise on my DVR, it's like playing musical chairs to do so.
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