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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Get ready for a virtual smorgasbord of Toei characters who just LOVE to CHOW DOWN Tonight (March 4-5, 2023) starting with a main course of a DUB PREMIERE crossover episode between One Piece, DBZ, and Toriko, followed by a dessert of a regular One Piece Episode continuing the Punk Hazard Saga!! It all starts at 1 AM tonight! Only TOONAMI!!
  2. Tonight (March 4-5, 2023) on Toonami, get ready for a Super Hero Power Hour!! It all starts with... Don't miss the mayhem! ONLY TOONAMI!!
  3. For what it's worth, I saw somewhere here that claimed it would be another double shot of MHA. I guess we'll see!
  4. Toonami finishes off February 2023 with a decent performance: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-2-25-2023-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html MHA back in the Top 25, and Justice League vs. the Fatal Five also made the Top 50!
  5. Last time April 1st was a Saturday was 2017, and Toonami actually lost its first hour for a Rick & Morty sneak. Since they can't do ANYTHING next year they MIGHT do something THIS year, but who knows?
  6. https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/02/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-19th.html?m=1 MHA and Injustice both in the Top 200 for the week's shows, but NOT the Top 100!
  7. Fun fact: Toonami's first dub premiere of the year on March 4, 2023, on the year's 9th lineup, IS late in the year for a first dub premiere, but one year actually eclipsed it: Not 2022, with its World Premiere of Blade Runner: Black Lotus, on 1/1/22... Not 2021, which had an episode of SAOAWOU2 premiere on 1/2/21... Not 2020, which saw MHA and Dr. Stone have network premieres on 1/4/20, but those weren't dub premieres. The One-Punch Man episode that followed, however, WAS... Not 2019 nor 2018, with a Dragon Ball Super episode premiering at 11 PM and 10:30 PM on 1/5/19 and 1/6/18, respectively... 2017 is a little tricky. On 1/7/17, Dragon Ball Super had a dub premiere, but technically on [as] at 8 PM, NOT DURING TOONAMI! Following the 11:30 rerun of that episode at Midnight was a Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters episode which MAY have been a dub premiere... 2016 had an Akame Ga Kill episode dub premiere on the first lineup of the year on 1/2/16. In 2015, however, the first dub premiere to air on Toonami was actually Sword Art Online II, which premiered on 3/28/15! So there HAS been a first dub premiere of the year this late before, and in fact, even later, on the 13th lineup of the year, in fact! As for the rest, for posterity's sake, 2014 started with a World Premiere of Space Dandy on 1/4/14, a and a dub premiere episode of Bleach kicked off Toonami on 1/5/13 and the April Fool's Pilot on 4/1/12. So, 2012 also had a late start as well but it WAS still a dub premiere on the first lineup of the year, which puts it with all the other years besides 2015 and 2023. What DOES set 2023 apart is that we don't know when after 3/4/23 that Toonami will air its next World Premiere or dub premiere. Both 2012 and 2015's late starts were immediately followed by another episode of their premieres on 4/8/12 (though not part of Toonami) and 4/4/15. Will that be the case in 2023?
  8. Not really enjoying this weird "claymation" style. I think this has aired on [as] before, but I can't be sure.
  9. WHY are we not getting the One Piece crossover promo!? What the hell!? Showing a commercial for something premiering on April 2nd instead!? Words fail!
  10. Last weekend's movie wasn't BAD, but it wasn't GREAT either. This one was!
  11. That may have been the last thing Kevin Conroy ever said as Batman. 😢
  12. Yeah, for real! I'm not sure he's dead; he just became the Sun!
  13. It's been longer than 3 minutes... Lights out??? I guess this is gonna be a job for Superman?
  14. That Nomu-looking dude just had a blast too, courtesy of Supes!
  15. I don't know how much longer I can stay up for this!
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