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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. So was Gary Oldman. And, coincidentally, so was Leslie Nielsen. (And Saruman was played by the late, great Christopher Lee.)
  2. Of course. You know me better than that. lol (And I know you better than that, too.) And I deserved that. I was just trying to be funny, and I failed miserably. (And I'm not having the best day at work either so I was just trying to lighten up my mood and cheer myself up.)
  3. I know you know that I know you know that I was joking. lol
  4. I probably need to get some kind of thing to straighten my teeth. I refuse to wear braces. What's crazy is I still have a root from a baby tooth that never fell out in my gum because it's tangled up with the roots attached to one of my permanent teeth, and it can't be removed unless I have surgery. I also have a couple wisdom teeth that need to get pulled, and one is in a virtually impossible spot. Yay me?
  5. I wasn't sure though. I mean you could've been a bunch of field mice piled into the costume of a petite woman. /sarcasm
  6. Also, Bela Lugosi was famous for playing Dracula in the Golden Age of Hollywood, if I remember correctly.
  7. Fair. I liked his sitcom for several years, but the last season was a major letdown. So much so that I prefer Whose Line over the sitcom. (And don't get me started on that Pinocchio ripoff. lol)
  8. The painting is really good. Better than i would've done.
  9. You liked Whose Line Is It Anyway? back in high school as well, didn't you?
  10. Again, lolno.
  11. I guess the Castlevania version is an option, too.
  12. See, i thought Virginia was for lovers? (Yes, I know you're making a joke. I just, with all due respect, MD, don't care. Sorry. You're still my homie!)
  13. The Nicholas Cage version of Dracula kind or the...Twilight kind?
  14. Okay, Ms. Hi@&$#_++++!!!!!? .
  15. Well, Isn't that special?
  16. lolno
  17. Agreed. Also, tell us how much we owe every year! Quit making us guess. Stupid bastards.
  18. All I know is I want some Cheddar and Sour Cream flavored Ruffles potato chips. Thanks a lot.
  19. Fine. I just won't make you anything and you'll have to live with it. Don't @ me.
  20. I don't even wanna know. lol
  21. Let's not and say we did, okay? I'm working.
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