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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Careful now. You might get labelled a Slipknot fan. (Unless you actually like Slipknot. In which case, nevermind.)
  2. Reminder: You have until 6 PM CST this evening to submit your AI entries! That's less than four hours from now. if you want to be a part of the competition this week, get them in now!
  3. lol This thread.
  4. When I clicked on it on my computer, it showed 6 PM. So it should show Buddy the same thing since we're in the same time zone.
  5. It shows it on my end, but I can't for whatever reason take screenshots using this computer. I can using my Mac, but I don't use it as much as I used to. Try clicking on the day itself and see if anything comes up.
  6. I also need to make sure I eat some peanuts and drink three pints of "bitter" before we leave, too.
  7. No, we're all verpetas. Get it right.
  8. Likewise. Besides, we're fucked regardless of which party happens to be in power.
  9. Yeah, there's a show on MTV called Catfish that shows people have done much, much worse on the internet than what I've ever done . Plus, I've apologized for all of it several times. When people quit constantly bringing it up, we can actually move on because I'm done having to constantly talk about it. Do you understand? (Also, your boy Nabs has pretended to be dead and posted as other people and yet he hasn't apologized once so when you get on to him for that, I'll take your criticism seriously. Until then, both you and your boy Nabs can eat shit.)
  10. Alright. That's fair.
  11. Yes. I was. I even checked three times just to make sure, then my boss called me and I got sidetracked. (I work from home. I'm sorry I can't provide photographic proof, but that's because I didn't think someone would question me like that.)
  12. Actually, yes. I was writing the post and got sidetracked by work. lol
  13. I forgot to put tomorrow in my post and I told Scoob thank you for pointing out my mistake. I even corrected the post.
  14. I thought I had put that when I originally posted it, but I forgot it. Thanks.
  15. Wait. Didn't you already post this pic?
  16. Here are some more words to live by.
  17. Well, whenever we do go, if I'm one of those going, at least I'll be prepared.
  18. No. I can't do it. I'm not that guy. Just don't huff glue or paint, okay?
  19. Just a reminder: For those who just joined but want to participate in this week's challenge, you have until 6pm CST tomorrow to get your AI submissions in. Remember! You have to use Craiyon to generate the pics. For further instructions, please read the OP. Good luck!
  20. Oh-kay. Cool story bro.
  21. Sounds to me you need someone to help you organize things. I'm not volunteering by any means. However, I know there are a couple people in here who would be more than willing to help you. But at any rate, this is what I would do if I were in your position: Have a pen and paper with you at all times so you can jot down ideas for the game as they come to you, then take some time to flesh those ideas out. After that, give them to someone who can help you organize everything. (This is just a suggestion on my part; take it for what you will. Besides, for a first run, you're doing a pretty good job as it is.)
  22. Exactly. Buddy, feel free to delegate to anybody and everybody. I know quite a few of us are more than happy to help.
  23. No, that's me, remember? I'm the perpetual party pooper. Buzz Killington, according to still me. The_annoying_one: I don't either, man. This is my first foray into it and man, this is a hell of a lot of fun!
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