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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Talent: Rodgers. He's got great accuracy and touch despite being almost 40. Youth/Image: Carr. He's still young enough to improve any team he's on. Plus, it's not like he hasn't played well enough to win games this past season. The Raiders let him down a lot.
  2. Yeah, but...jelly babies.
  3. Yes, pooh. We're all verpetas.
  4. And here's my response to your response.
  5. Here's my response to every political thread ever (because we're fucked no matter what):
  6. Don't worry about it. It's cool. Anyway...Packard Packarding is the most Packard thing Packard could do.
  7. If it's related to iRacing, it's fine. I'll definitely check it out when I get a chance.
  8. I can't even see it anymore so it doesn't even matter anymore anyway. I guess, however, you could also say Gemini gonna Gemini...or something.
  9. Yep, alongside Nabs gonna Nabs.
  10. KEEP LOOKING UP! Rest in peace, Jack Horkheimer.
  11. I didn't either because Packard gonna Packard.
  12. I've never heard of him either. I need to watch some of his stuff.
  13. I knew one of the answers to this week's challenge was a bottle of water. Why didn't I think to get a bottle of Ozarka water sooner? (Ozarka is headquartered in Arkansas, for those who don't know.)
  14. Water bottle companies have been known to have different bottling plants in different places. So I'm not surprised Ozarka has plants in Oklahoma. In fact, Ozarka (the company itself) is actually headquartered in Arkansas. I didn't know that until today, but it totally makes sense given the name.
  15. One bottle of water. (Photo taken while waiting on breakfast tacos.)
  16. Well, shit. I thought about doing that. Give me thirty minutes.
  17. Yeah, I'm not participating this time. I won't have time after work because I get off right when the challenge deadline hits. So...I'll see ya next round. That is, if I make it.
  18. I still feel like telling him off for you for his calling you trash, but I'll hold my tongue.
  19. It can be cold outside and I'll still sleep with the fan on. Because that's how we roll in Houston.
  20. I almost bought a mountain bike last month, but I had to change my mind because I didn't think I could get it in my Traverse.
  21. Walking is good. I need to be more active.
  22. I don't know how the weather is in New Jersey, but in Houston, Texas, it's usually air conditioner weather all year round.
  23. I started playing guitar again. I bought a used Marshall amp and finally plugged my guitar in and started playing. (I had headphones on, of course.)
  24. As long as you don't offer me a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster, we're good.
  25. This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
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