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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Bye! Hurry back.
  2. I'm thinking of the fact I may have to go farther than I'd like just to get a good burger.
  3. Also, this came to mind, for some reason. (For I bet this is how he felt when we derailed this thread. lol)
  4. He's not real. He's computer-generated. *mind blown*
  5. The two of us derailing threads:
  6. Yes, it certainly does. That's the worst. I can't stand cold rain, especially with the wind howling.
  7. I like turtles! (Actually, I like horny toads, but no matter.)
  8. At least you usually get snow in the winter. We just get...rain. Of course, I also hate how cold it has to get in order for us to have snow so there's that.
  9. Is that a good thing or...? Because one could look at that and think I'm also talking about myself in some respects.
  10. That's actually very informative. Thanks.
  11. I get ya, but you still have to travel southwest to get to me. lol At any rate, have fun next week.
  12. i tend to forget y'all are up north. It's sunny down here in Houston.
  13. So a psychosomatic response? *eye roll* I wonder if he once worked at a Holiday Inn because he certainly thinks he's a psychologist.
  14. Oh, yeah. He did say that. Well, they definitely do, especially some of the lower-end cigs. i once had a friend who would smoke Doral cigarettes, and they made him smell like he had shit himself. I told him one day about it and he didn't appreciate it. (I told him the cigarettes were doing that to his clothes and he told me to shut up.) He later told me that he knew, but he loved the brand of cigarettes so much that he kept on smoking them. Plus, like atomic said can happen, he had gotten so used to it he didn't even notice anymore.
  15. You're right. I'm not. But I do have a sneaking suspicion that Pooh will agree with me. (But that remains to be seen.)
  16. It could be a case of both, truth be told. But that's just my non-expert opinion.
  17. Yeah, he was probably just having a bad day. Oh, well.
  18. Actually, i think Packard belonged in IB, and pooh stated it clearly: He likes to see his own posts. The only problem is he also takes himself at least a little seriously so he may have ended up wandering back to Babbling.
  19. Hair needs to be darker, but yes. lol
  20. Yeah, I wish he had gotten the message and stayed away. (I still maintain that we're fucked no matter who's running things.)
  21. See, it's stuff like this that makes me not trust the government, no matter who's in charge. Neither side trusts the other to try to do things in good faith. At all. Crap like this is why I've decided not to follow or participate in politics (even as just a voter) anymore.
  22. This whole thread, man. lol Wow. Also...Packard:
  23. Fine, fine. I'll respond like this next time. THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE! Happy? Love ya, Pooh!
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