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Everything posted by avec

  1. avec

    Swingers & BDSM

    Going to the parties and being able to be fully clothed, in costume, naked, or anything in between was really liberating. It felt like a no judgement zone and people (mostly) respected boundaries. I'm hoping to find a local group catered more to people who identify as queer or pansexual to keep finding comfort in my sexual self.
  2. That's legit frightening.
  3. @lupin_bebop doesnt seem to think his rhymes were great during last Fridays jackbox game (wtf was the one called?!) but that shit was hilarious.
  4. @Still Me Rn I am really appreciating seeing pictures of your adorable cat, but also I lurk alot in Rants and am appreciating the back and forth in the trump impeachment thread.
  5. OH MY GOD What an absolute cutieeeeeeeeee
  6. Translation: Simon Cowell is a twat.
  7. Fire Force 22
  8. Good god moonshine. Also this for no real reason other then its hilarious:
  9. @That_One_Guy
  10. Not drinking helps me actively deal with depression better. Drinking helps me deal with depression bet-oh no no no, but yes.
  11. That's gross.
  12. I want to hear more
  13. Happy Solstice 🌕
  14. So happy to see this thread bumped and to see your doggie!! This is the thread we all need 😂
  15. The turning point of regretting ever posting a picture. No one is entitled to my body in any way. Just a tip guys.
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