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Everything posted by avec

  1. Thanks yall, that was a hilarious time.
  2. Call centers sound like hell, how do you be civil, kind, to complete shitbags?
  3. avec

    Swingers & BDSM

  4. This game helped spur more interest in electronic music:
  5. Yeeeeeeess
  6. Ahhh its so beautiful. I never got to play this game but sat through some walkthroughs with a past partner and was amazed.
  7. avec

    Swingers & BDSM

    Ooo tell me more! What are aspects of femdom?
  8. avec

    Swingers & BDSM

    There are people Ive met this year who live with their slaves and have been in the "lifestyle" for over 30 years. There are different degrees though - I wouldnt say that living it 24/7 would be for me, but it is definitely a thing.
  9. Uta no Prince sama
  10. Princess Princess
  11. No. 6 ☀️
  12. What are your favorite game soundtracks? One of my all time favs:
  13. HAHAHAHAHA! But in all seriousness though, this gives me the ultra nostalgia feels:
  15. avec

    Swingers & BDSM

    Its been great just going and talking to people. The first sex party I went to I met someone who liked anime and we also got deep in talking about family stuff.
  16. avec

    Swingers & BDSM

    I guess I'm indifferent at this point. 😂
  17. I cannot believe I forgot about Super Mario World, like what in the actual fuck. Also, CRASH BANDICOOT so...much..FUN! Ah, now I'm remembering Spyro too. Wow, what a time.
  18. Ah, this is bringing back so many fond memories ❤️
  19. Atari: Only game I can remember is Golden Axe NES: Blanking on which games I loved playing the most, but rn what's coming up is California Games SNES: Donkey Country 2 or Mystic Quest (YES I KNOW) Sega Genesis: Sonic Spinball YAAAAAASSS *MUSIC IMMEDIATELY INFILTRATES BRAIN* N64: Mario Party 2, extreme-G, ROAD RASH - let's kick the shit out of other people on motorcycles! Game Cube: Tetris Worlds - SINGLE.........DOUBLE.......TETRISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS - the seductive woman voice got me PS: UmJammer Lammy 4eva PS2: FFX, DDR Maxx 2 and that's when I started playing World of Warcraft...XD
  20. Icr "New Day"
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