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Everything posted by avec

  1. I don't know much about any of those bands (shame!), but I agree it sounds like it would be on the radio. I'm more of a Ministry and Gojira-type metal fan.
  2. Like he would say "Leave it" in a super serious tone but his eyebrows would be going crazy.
  3. avec

    Swingers & BDSM

    LITERALLY DICKS EVERYWHERE waggin, swaggin, saggin.
  4. Exploited in the gig economy or work for steaming shit piles? Is there difference? Wow, I spent a lot on art education. Lawl.
  5. Im running a nice hot epsom salt bath. Gotta take care of our bodies!
  6. Genshiken
  7. Wow, that picture of him and all the heads is a MOMENT. What a meme. He seems like a fun person to just talk with lol.
  8. Happy birthday 🦆
  9. Skin as barrier, but walls are not flesh, it's in the space between us.
  10. Whups, Canvas 2.
  11. Hachi is...A LOT! I hear you, its hard to deal with her decisions. Its nice to see someone so young, driven by romance, and also making mistakes -- Ive been there more than Id like to admit when I was younger. 😅 I should pick the manga back up again, its been a long time.
  12. I hope Skip Beat comes to a conclusion before I die. That would really make life so much more joyful 😂😂 The yt vids of people making recipes from Food Wars 🤤
  13. ITS TIME TO D D DDDDDDDDD DICK. But in all seriousness, no its not like that 😂 Especially not the hairstyles.
  14. That sculpture is pretty amazing. 😍 With art, it wouldn't surprise me if that was just someone's shoe they set there 😂 Or at least, that's the kind of work I think it hilarious - not quite banana taped to a wall level, but wow, way to troll the art world.
  15. Chiptune can be a gateway to other genres imo 😂 I mean video games is a good part of why I got into electronic tunes in the first place.
  16. avec

    Swingers & BDSM

    I am trying to imagine everything this person was into as "Jesus" and I cannot stop laughing/berating myself.
  17. avec

    Swingers & BDSM

  18. I'm upset that I can't make cajun fries appear. Also, consumerism.
  19. Junjou Romantica >.>
  20. Oh, there was sense here that went right over my head, but now in my jammin soul. ☀️
  21. Mm, that's sexy.
  22. Now this, this brings me such joy.
  23. Hopefully in different voices. Are you a soprano?
  24. avec

    Swingers & BDSM

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