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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. I bet Super needing to stay in prime time per contract is what’s keeping Toonami from moving back later.The split premiere didn’t work for them so this is the next best thing.
  2. Family Guy got 1,195,000 total viewers 0.50 18-49 Beat Super in total viewers but lost to it in the 18-49 demo!
  3. Shippuden moving up will probably help things overall. This sort of speaks for itself
  4. True enough. It can happen probably end of the year though. Epcar has been very forthcoming about their desire to do it as well as sort of dropping hints they already do. They started working on Part 4 I’m January of 16 and we didn’t see it until mid 17. I think Toonami having a business relationship (thanks to Discotek hooking them up) with TMS will shorten the wait time, but it’s so up in the air with all the parties involved that we have no idea how long it’ll take.
  5. If they don’t like how it’s doing they’ll move it I suppose. Maybe they got it cheap since the production company really wants to make it the next big thing. Im surprised they haven’t moved a Jojo yet since I doubt that came cheap.Then again that may be why, they can’t afford for it to do any worse farther down the block
  6. Programming Insider did an early update today with the full ratings http://programminginsider.com/saturday-final-ratings-warriors-rockets-generates-third-watched-abc-nba-saturday-primetime-telecast-date/ Hopefully he responds to my Family Guy request soon
  7. It is this simuldub season. If they get it I hope it’s not another instance of the dub being ahead on Funimation Now. I think anyone who was getting into Black Clover on Toonami jumped over there during the holiday break EDIT: The dub actually starts next Thursday on FN. So a Toonami premiere isn’t happening looks like. This one looks like a new Eureka Seven
  8. SPOILER ALERT: It didn't really. Super actually got the 2nd spot behind LIVE PD. I'll leave the rest to Alchemist later
  9. We’ll see. The government actually having the shut down vs Friday when it was only a possibility may either make people watch more news or less depending on people’s fears , we’ll see what happens. As far as Family Guy, I’ll (or anyone can really depending on who sees the post first) keep asking so we can get that data because it’s important to know Intresting enough, my cable guide is showing old data and not the current lineup for this week. Hopefully they doesn’t throw people off
  10. This is sort of what I mean. If Family Guy is down, less people overall were watching AS in general that night. It has nothing to do with Toonami. It followed the same usual ratings pattern just a little lower. An aside: I actually had to request those Family Guy ratings, as did Sketch the week before. It seems he doesn’t post the prime time numbers for each network anymore, so Family Guy will probably have to be asked for each week. But I think it’s essential to get an idea of how the block did. Maybe if he’s asked every week he’ll go back to posting them!
  11. Well if that happens all of AS that night should be down, including Family Guy. I’d only worry if there a huge drop from the comedies into Toonami
  12. It’s a live stream panel https://mobile.twitter.com/discotekmedia/status/954397946363219968
  13. I asked SotB. Hopefully he gets back soon. Took him almost a week when Sketch asked him last week. I’m hoping if he’s asked every week he’ll just go back to including it Edit: FG got 930,000 0.38 18-49
  14. They are just going to have to rebuild the lineup from the front. Jojo and Gundam are just going to have to cycle out and hopefully we get some stuff that retain the front better! Here’s hoping for something good as the mystery show.
  15. And we were worried that it didn’t hit 1.1 million?
  16. I hope it’s just football. We had such a good thing going before the holidays! Its a “everything on the network” being down thing and not necessarily one show causing the problem. It’s the same overall pattern, just lower overall
  17. Yeah that’s gone as well! It’s a shame because the regular site only goes out 5 days!
  18. I did. I didn’t get a response unfortunately. It’s ok though because the site should be back eventually!
  19. Hi guys, The fan created XML schedule has been down. I was wondering if anyone remembered how to manually manipulate the data from the main site to view beyond 5 days.I used to know how to do it as did many from the ASMB but I forgot. Any help would be appreciated!
  20. We have no idea if the financials involved. If they got a good deal on it, it may be considered a success. If they paid a lot of money for it, then perhaps not. It was never moved down for one thing. Another factor is that they now have a relationship with TMS directly which would make getting the TV rights for part 5 easier.
  21. Will it be Wednesday this week because of MLK day ?
  22. We finally have the numbers for Family Guy. http://programminginsider.com/saturday-cable-final-nationals-titans-chiefs-espn-tops-day-least-watched-nfl-playoff-game-six-years/ (Comments) 1,035,000 0.47 18-49 which means it barely edged out over Super !
  23. Crystal is especially redundant. Every episode the spend about 6 minutes on transformations alone using the same stock footage
  24. At this point, Sailor Moon is readily available on Hulu dubbed. It’s not going to do Toonami any favors at this point
  25. I hope they don’t do a St. Patrick Days marathon. This is supposed to be the glorious time of year with no marathons! Plus you know there will be some April Fools thing 2 weeks later!
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