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Everything posted by Ric

  1. that would be ridiculous
  2. Hope all goes well.
  3. Supposedly he was going going to impregnate a legal cutie and we would have JohnnyGundam on the boards but instead he retired and stuck with Youtube. Maybe when that happens he'll come back.
  4. I can't hear it, those ass cheeks are drowning it out.
  5. Should've sent the damn Switch, didn't she make a thread before this asking for one?
  6. I watched Nick so I thought I might when I saw the thread title, but nope.
  7. totally not Trump, he was just testing the media.
  8. I'm sure she'll log in and see this any minute.
  9. He already said he didn't murder anyone.
  10. I member you, hey.
  11. The reputation you have with people will not change posting stuff like this.
  12. I don't think I've seen one wearing it in public my whole life but still know it. lol
  13. I went ahead and got it sooner than I expected to. I finished the second palace last night. Doesn't feel like 30% to me so far, just the will seeds and the grappling hook don't really change much. Since it's been three years since I played the game though, between the time away from it and the new stuff it is feeling somewhat fresh so that's cool.
  14. I haven't seen the show in forever. I think it's on Disney+ so I might watch a handful of episodes eventually. The NES game is fun co-op.
  15. I see some mushrooms and an orange, not sure what the other stuff in the basket is.
  16. Stay-at-home just got extended to May 30th here, and everyone required to wear masks in public starting the 1st.
  17. Seven times dude, damn I started to get bored during my third. Going to do one more though now that the DLC is out when I feel like getting back to it and like I won't get burnt out. Ingrid was my choice in the Blue Lions playthrough. Each time I picked someone from the house I was playing. The other two were Petra and Leonie. For my final playthrough I'm not sure who I'll pick, have to see if I like the two new DLC character options.
  18. It's a bit overly optimistic at this point to assume 2020 will be any better.
  19. The Lite is portable only, it doesn't 'switch'. lol
  20. You already did that would you had Godzilla engage in incest with Kagome and also pound fugg's hooha.
  21. I forgot you can watch Crunchyroll with ads, I always pay for it when I use it. Lately the VRV package since that includes HIDIVE and Boomerang.
  22. Hopefully he hasn't told you because he's saving it for a video, we need to be educated.
  23. You got some weeb mods? Everything seems like it has weeb mods now, I've seen waifus up in Skyrim/L4D/etc.
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