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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I liked it but don't remember either series well enough to make comparisons or anything.
  2. Burn Toonami to da ground.
  3. Soma, please. Thanks.
  4. Which one? I liked both the japan and taiwan ones back when I watched them. Recently I saw the first Kenshin movie which might be my favorite live action adaptation so far if the quality stays consistent. I've also always liked the City Hunter movie with Jackie Chan. I liked the Korean TV series a lot but it didn't follow the source material at all, not why they based it on CH.
  5. Yeah I played it co-op a couple years ago and when the game ended we were like, that's it?
  6. Not that deep, I wish I was hung like @ghostrek
  7. Nah once I impregnate em' I'm out.
  8. Oh, I'm not waiting anywhere near that long. I'll probably play it on PS5 in 2021. By updates I meant they likely add some free content/fixes over time like they did with FFXV. My PS4 disc drive going out also helped in making that decision, really didn't want to get it digital. Didn't mind with P5R since I already a steelbook for the original.
  9. I'm waiting on FFVII since it's not complete anyway and will probably get a bunch of updates throughout the year. Xenoblade Definitive Edition in a month is the other big JRPG I plan to get. If you ever feel like playing it again, I'd say just pony up the 60 bucks. I only beat the original once and I hesitated to get Royal so if you played it twice I could see not wanting to do it again.
  10. Streets of Rage 4 out this week and we still got some big games coming like Xenoblade Definitive, The LAst of Us 2, and Ghosts of Tsushima. The delay for me that hurts isn't anime or vidya game related, without this pandemic we should have been hearing about Cobra Kai season 3 by now.
  11. I maxed Felix with all the chicks and he still went off with Sylvain in the end on my Blue Lions playthrough.
  12. Lots of games on Steam/GOG that I should get around to but I just don't play on PC all that much.
  13. I was thinking Wonderboy series not Zelda 2, but yep.
  14. nah he's doing his Scooby-Doo impression.
  15. @RG3 Do you happen to be Lily? Emmy? Rebecca?
  16. Happy birthday 🎂😈💜
  17. Ric

    Favorite Video Game OST

    Yoshi's Island is another. Other Yoshi games since have been decent but none can live up to Island.
  18. Wow, this might come down to blows.
  19. never 💪💪🔥🔥
  20. The same Lily that Zenigundam has been pursuing?
  21. GMK? .......oh yeah have fun. If you have the same double pack bluray that comes with Tokyo S.O.S. like I do, they are both good.
  22. what are you doing? happy girth....i mean birthday 🎂👽
  23. Pretty sure it was the dehydration and hairy man bod.
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