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Everything posted by Ric

  1. The coolest!
  2. And yet it' still a whole lot better than Ultimate Battle 22. The PS1 DBZ games were shit.
  3. Fine, here's another sausage.
  4. It's okay, judas chair still lives.
  5. Depends on my mood.
  6. Nah, Zeni's a gentleman.
  7. I was away from the boards then.
  8. Who said I have money?
  9. I don't think it's going to be as bad as you fear, we'll see.
  10. Same to you! I'm more of a Wind Waker guy.
  11. Ric

    So sloooow

    Nope, I have a cousin who's more like a nephew given our relationship/age difference.
  12. What'd you use to draw that?
  13. I actually was fucking around with a noose in the garage, not gonna hang myself.
  14. Ric

    So sloooow

    I am the fuck up. O0
  15. Ric

    IT'S 2015!!!!

    I don't agree with retarded things.
  16. Usually I'm too drunk to post on ASMB New Year's Eve, barely buzzed tonight though.
  17. Alrighty then. O0
  18. Was it worth selling out?
  19. Back to the ol' name huh?
  20. O0 :420:
  21. Maybe all those cigarettes have something to do with it.
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