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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I don't know if I agree with most of your opinions but back that one up.
  2. Did you get all emotional? I enjoyed the show but had no feels, 7.5/10.
  3. Oh, you meant furry treat. I remember this one.
  4. Well lets cumpair: What do you guys think? I think the pipe would win.
  5. I don't remember that page at all, so maybe it was the other unevenedge I changed my theme on. Guess I'll keep on facade for now and see what happens.
  6. I forgot I made this thread, but I'll stand by it. O0
  7. Are you swearing off men now?
  8. I don't even know what theme I'm using, I forgot where to change it.
  9. When did this happen? I don't remember.
  10. First, I need a waifu.
  11. Yeah, for scrubs.
  12. Shut up lemonhead. -1- 1 -1 -1 -1
  13. Git fucking gud.
  14. If I have hear this song constantly again, go ahead and kill me.
  15. You're a lemonhead.
  16. :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: You probably the lemon emoticons then.
  17. Spoiler your food porn, please.
  18. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judas_cradle
  19. robotmad > smileymad
  20. Meh, feeling must have left my body so I'm good.
  21. It is, we yo best buds.....right?
  22. My hair grows like a 13 year old boy, I don't have to shave.
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