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Everything posted by Ric

  1. You're the only one.
  2. I don't either, go see her and find out.
  3. She was probably getting gangbanged, shoulda put the leash on her sooner.
  4. Did you whip your dick out?
  5. I could probably eat 50 but wouldn't want to, not a mcnugget fan.
  6. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  7. Sounds like a quack.
  8. I have two.
  9. Yes.
  10. I doubt I make it to 60, much less 90.
  11. I don't remember making this thread.
  12. I know you're not licensed but care to check mine out anyway?
  13. Ric

    Beard dreams

    I can barely grow facial hair but in my dreams I have a full beard.
  14. Meh, I'll be leaving in a few minutes.
  15. Spoiler alert: Luke dies
  16. She's used goods now, time to move on to another one.
  17. My penis.
  18. Playing with little ricky.
  19. He has a +1, not a -1. We don't have those here.
  20. If I were you I'd keep my mom in check by not paying any bills. Your love is all the support she needs.
  21. Just old games/movies/anime that were never licensed or are old and only available to buy from gougers on ebay/Amazon/etc.
  22. Two chicks, at the same time.
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