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Everything posted by Ric

  1. -_'
  2. :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :|
  3. Ric

    Wallpaper Dump

    Blastoise and Venusaur look pretty badass. Don't really like the Scyther though.
  4. Nah, don't think I want to go out like that. If I decide to off myself I have a gun.
  5. Ric

    No longer trying

    How did Phillies like this twice?
  6. Yeah, nothing good in mine either. Oh well. I shoud've picked up some beer earlier.
  7. Maybe something in there will make me feel good.
  8. Oh, well not interested in that at the moment either but maybe later. 8)
  9. Ric

    No longer trying

    Kinda, a little. Pretty much.
  10. Are you suggesting......3D? Fuck that trash.
  11. Ric

    No longer trying

  12. Well that lasted almost three weeks, back on track to dying alone at 40. :420: O0 :beer:
  13. Ric


    Far from my favorite Persona character but I like Fuuka.
  14. I thought we were buds.
  15. Oh, for a minute I thought you going to punish me. *sigh of relief*
  16. Ric

    Yay, UE is back

    Or for all you honkys.
  17. Ric

    Yay, UE is back

    It's left and come back again since I made this thread. Think this might be UE's theme song.
  18. Massage coming right up!
  19. For me lowest has been like 44. Too much rain though, that can stop anytime now.
  20. Well you did. That was actually your copy.
  21. Ooh, we getting kinky together with waifu?
  22. I never meant to hurt yoooooou I never meant to make you cry But tonight I destroyed the hentai from my closet -_'
  23. Ric

    My sanity

    O0 :beer:
  24. Doesn't your contract for being a mod/helper here forbid you from going out into such dangerous conditions?
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