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Ric last won the day on October 25 2021

Ric had the most liked content!


About Ric

  • Birthday 07/29/1987

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Monster Mutant

Monster Mutant (22/22)



  1. Me appearing out of no where for a few posts every few months is my normal activity here now. I only know about Zeni because I see his posts on Twitter(fuck you nazi, it will always be Twitter) every now and then.
  2. The Jackie Chan game on NES is sweet
  3. Oh yeah I forgot I posted these here. New series, I think the Omori ones came out pretty okay, particularly the first one.
  4. He's a professional gambler and self made millionaire now. I think that's still the current arc.
  5. @Dusty Shackleford
  6. I'll miss him in the next Final Destination, which is I think is happening. RIP
  7. I'm real af, bruh
  8. No, but do you think Goku and Vegeta have ever finished each other?
  9. Legend of the Galactic Heroes Star Blazers 2199 Those are a bit on the more known side so you may have seen them already. The Irresponsible Captain Tylor if you're good with some comedy thrown Toward the Terra if you can acquire it somewhere, it's not on legal streaming services or in print
  10. Ah I'm late to my birthday thread, thanks everyone!
  11. I'm glad you're okay but you spoiled the ending in the thread title, lots of people won't click this now.
  12. Chinatown Wars was the best GTA for PSP
  13. Happy birth
  14. Who the fuck is Dusty Shack....oh it's Kudasai. Ready for more Excitebike tomorrow
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